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Everything posted by rwrkb

  1. i like witty song titles, but i'd say that only about 1/3 of mine have even somewhat witty titles
  2. sweet! i have written somewhere in the area of 200 songs. it is daunting when finally recording this fall
  3. wow. i totally want to hear that song now. your version or ween's
  4. honestly i haven't even had time to set it up... i've glanced at the book a couple of times when i've had time... i'm hoping to get time this weekend... we'll see though i'll probably be spending time with the freshman i t.a. going over their papers, the final drafts of which are due monday morning.
  5. i'm working on a new song called "The Book Report"... this is definitely the most fun i've had writing a song in a while
  6. i have a strict no homework policy on fridays and saturdays. but good luck with the studying, for reals.
  7. haha... yeah try coming back after six months or so
  8. return to cookie mountain.... again. ya'll got me thinking about busting out the 'trane and monk album, though
  9. that's gonna be the real title... kingdom come is just to throw us off
  10. "word" is always appropriate when said with the right attitude. WORD
  11. i think there are a few other vc-ers in the portland area, but i've never met them. i think i'm one of the few around here who doesn't know at least on of the others in the real world
  12. now that everyone is posting pics of their pets it's probably not a good time to tell people that i don't like pets
  13. that's what everybody's been telling me... but that's not necessarily a bad thing since the purchase was made for the recording of my solo album... the trick will be finding a way to still let school be the primary thing 'til i'm done in december
  14. dang. i'm avoiding homework as usual... learning the ins and outs of protools but i get the tired part. definitely hear ya there
  15. i haven't heard the ep yet. but i'm excited to. gotta get my damn paypal fixed so i can buy it.
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