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Everything posted by ZenLunatic

  1. That was a stupid statement by him and look at all the stupid moves our government is making.
  2. In Madoff We Trust by Peter Schiff As the multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme orchestrated by Wall Street insider Bernard Madoff unravels in the media spotlight, the nation is being presented with a rare opportunity to understand the true nature of many of our most cherished financial structures. Hopefully we have the wisdom to connect the dots. Although the $50 billion loss engineered by Madoff is truly a staggering accomplishment (and was done using old-fashioned fraud rather than the mathematical wizardry that has characterized Wall Street
  3. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/081215/budget_deficit.html?.v=1 This is the big picture many people are overlooking or pushing aside. This problem will not go away and it will hit us harder the more we spend and put it off. We need to start dealing with this problem now. It will be tough but there is no way around it. This is what I want to see get fixed. If it means we dont bailout companies, then we have to figure out how to get by. Maybe some people need to hit rock bottom before truely understanding the situation because thats where we are headed.
  4. It just made our national debt bigger. To me thats worse.
  5. With great power comes great responsibility, Spiderman. It's politically bad to say to the people we need to suffer the forces and rebuild, but it is economically correct. Not many has the balls to deal with reality now. Not even Obama. Everyone just keeps selling bad ideas for hopes of temporary glory.
  6. I am against all bailouts. Didnt mean to sound like I was for it. I also hate all the manipulation of government money and talk. You cant even trust what they say they will do. Bait and Switch. Change the rules and make them up as they go. I hate all the non-clarity of everything out there. We need some rules and structures that we can rely on to be there no matter what. How can we count on anything if the rules are constantly changing and nothing is set.
  7. I saw that last night and it's probably right. Also have to note all the refinanced mortgages that have failed. We poured trillions and about to pour more trillions and it just makes things worse.
  8. Auto Industry still needs money and no money is planned yet. It's a big political game. I think we all should start throwing our shoes at our elected officials because they suck. There is a revolution coming. This is just the beginning of America's downfall.
  9. Really what the Auto Companies should do is in Jan. go back to Congress with a bigger bailout package say $50 Billion. I think it may work, just like the TARP did.
  10. All wages should reflect the company's performance. You cant take a failing company and say the wages should be as high as a successful company of the same type. Some money is better than no money. The cost of living is all relative to the type of person you are. A pay cut is reducing your current pay. The agruement cannot be won on your side, but it is a game of chicken and the UAW has won for now. It is just a matter of time anyways before the auto industry needs more money and the government will say NO finally. The future is not good with the same people running these companies
  11. The UAW is a big reason why the companies are struggling thus why the wage cuts. Wouldnt you take a pay cut to keep your company alive to perserve your job? Shouldnt your wages reflect how well your company is performing? If you want to borrow billions, wages need to be reduced.
  12. The biggest reason why it didnt pass Senate was that the UAW didnt want to cut wages until 2011 when current contracts expires. It seems like a game of chicken, because it is better to have a job with less pay than no job. For now, the UAW won.
  13. Well I guess the answer is 100% now. US Treasury vowed to help auto industry from bankruptcy until next Congress meeting. Whatever money that requires.
  14. What are the chances the president will use TARP funds to help auto industry?
  15. You're right, I dont know about Shelby except his stance on this. I just agree with his side. I dont know his alter motives. I have heard other senators talk about there views and lumped Shelby in with them.
  16. Shelby isnt alone in this and also probably in the group that is more thoughtful of the situation than the opposition. The auto companies probably spend millions on lobbyists to spread propaganda like you see there.
  17. Auto Bailout passed the House. Now they are saying it may not pass Senate in its current state. The vote will be held soon on it but expected to fail at least the first time around. They want more responsibility taken by the auto companies before they get any money. There is still hope that this may not happen.
  18. Ditto on Leno sucking. So who actually likes him? Dont understand his popularity.
  19. I never put any videos on it. I guess if you want to go all out, you could try ones that can handle 4 or 8 GB. There are other brands than r4 that are popular too. I just wanted something simple to play games on. I have tons of NES on there that take up basically no room. The SNES doesnt work as easily but have Street Fighter 2. The original R4 doesnt handle connectivity to the Wii though. I dont know of any games that use this except Pokemon. Games for DS tend to run 32,64,128MB depending on the game.
  20. I dont see any correlation. Or maybe, your fish smells like your vagina.
  21. I know, but I have been doing this since I learned how to use a computer in the 90's. I've hacked so many things, this one is super easy. The video game industry is one of the biggest we have. You arent hurting much. I've only tried the original but hear the new one works. The old ones are cheap also if you search alittle. With 2GB you can have tons of games anyways.
  22. If you get the DS, I highly recommend a Flash Slot game like the R4 or similar. You can copy games on it and play it just like the orginal. Never payt for a game ever. Its free just google NDS roms. Its easy to do.
  23. Looks to be a 15-17 billion for the auto industry to tie them over for a few months. What a waste of money.
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