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Posts posted by ZenLunatic

  1. again, if that's the impression you got then you weren't really listening carefully to what he actually said.


    I just did a quick search and came up with this article from last summer, right in the midst of the pres. campaign:






    so you're right about his promised timeline for Iraq withdrawal not being met, and that's a legit beef. But to think that he was opposed to all war is just inaccurate - he consistently talked about finishing the fight, etc. in Afghanistan.


    I do remember him talking about Afgan but didnt think it will grow to this. I thought he wanted to get out of Iraq because he knew how not to take things too far and that war in general wasn't good. I guess I was wrong and maybe he doesn't mind war at all.


    I want a War on War.

  2. He did say he was against the war, but never, ever during his campaigning did he say even once that he would withdraw troops immediately or that getting out of this mess would be easy. Not once (though I will happily be corrected if I'm wrong). A lot of his supporters hoped that would happen, but I don't think he ever made that promise.


    He's really in a tight spot. He can't withdraw every troop there immediately without leaving the place in a hell of a clusterfuck, and he can't fix it without sending more troops. Well, he can't fix it all, let's be honest, and I'm pretty sure he's the one who's going to end up with the Saigon moment in all of this.


    He did say immediately and gave a timeline on Iraq. Of course it won't be easy, but change isn't easy, but it is what he promised. He gave the impression that he was different and really was against war. I guess he just like the rest of them when it comes to it, but he is definitely the best politican I ever saw.


    It's sad but the damage is done and more fighting will just make things worse. Maybe its human nature to kill each other off to have some sort of population control.



  3. ----------------------


    The Rev. Al Sharpton held a press conference today to blast Tiger Woods for the lack of diversity among his mistresses. Sharpton claims that the lack of African-American women among Woods’ harem will have a negative affect on the black community, specifically young black girls.


    “Why is it that a man who calls himself black can’t bring himself to cheat on his wife with a black woman?” said Sharpton, speaking to a group of supporters in Harlem . “What does it say to young black girls everywhere when you pass them over? Shame on you, Tiger Woods. What would your daddy say?”


    Sharpton, who has long championed taking black women as mistresses, said that today’s black athletes need to stop neglecting black women when it comes to extramarital affairs, and should follow the examples of positive black role models such as Jesse Jackson and Martin Luther King, Jr., both of whom cheated on their wives with black women. Sharpton also stressed that cheating with African-American women would help the black community financially by giving black girls the chance to sell their stories to tabloids and gossip magazines.


    Added Sharpton, “I’m not asking you to not cheat on your wives, I’m just asking you to give back to your own community.”

  4. There's only one problem with that: the Bears no longer have a great defense.


    The myth of the great Bears defense has persisted for years after it ceased to be true.



    How about good enough defense. The Defense has gone down in the passing years, but still pretty good.

  5. The verdict from the family is that it is not one of his best films, but that it's still Miyazaki... which means that it's still pretty great.

    Apparently the family ranking goes something like:

    1. Spirited Away

    2. Howl's Moving Castle

    3. Castle in the Sky

    4. Princess Monoke

    5. Ponyo

    6. Naussica





    My Neighbor Totoro



    Is this hinting that "My Neigbor Totoro" is not good. I just saw Howl's Moving Castle last night, cool movie.

  6. He may very well be a big, lime-light hogging ass. And his reputation probably WILL be tarnished forver.


    But as an NFL fan who wants to see exciting games, I'm SO excited he came back.


    If he plays well and the Vikings go to the playoffs, I'm watching. If he plays poorly and a below-.500 Vikings team goes into Green Bay, I want to watch that also. Either way, it's great drama for a football fan. The only thing that will suck is if he gets hurt.


    Gotta say that Brett's decision is stupid and I totally disrespect him for it, but as a Bears fan, I do like that he came back. Pretty interested to see the first game he returns to Lambeau field. You know the Packers are gonna be all over him with extra on those hits. Also the Bears get their licks in too. Brett, you are in trouble.

  7. I guess when I say the Vikings are taking a risk, what I really mean is they are risking that the arm/shoulder holds up. That seems to be the big question.


    ZenLunatic ... I wholeheartedly agree with you from the perspective that I as a fan appreciate loyalty. But I think the days of expecting it from an athlete are gone.


    And yes, Bulls/Wizards is not Packers/Vikings. Believe me, I hate the Queens with every fiber of my being. I'm just saying that Jordan playing with a team other than the Bulls is overall a bigger deal than Favre suiting up for someone other than the Pack.


    I guess I still expect the players to have some sort of loyalty. I dont mean players should play on one team their whole career, but in the case of Favre, to know what he has done and what it means to play for the Vikings, it's a bad choice. I dont agree that Jordan playing for another team is bigger, but its like said before its comparable of Favre going to the Jets. I was more disappointed in Phil Jackson going to LA.

  8. Well it's not about betrayal, either. Seems to me, the guy wants to play football with career-peers, close to his family, which is not exactly something he can do with other neighborhood dudes. To me it's more about dignity than loyalty, and I don't know how much loyalty you should expect from what is essentially an entertainment organization.


    How long have you been watching professional sports like baseball and football? Are you dedicated to a specific team? Cause you come off as a casual or short term fan.

  9. Until today, they didn't have a starting QB, and Favre past his prime is still a good acquisition for a team of that caliber. Just signing ruins Favre to many now-former fans, and sharpens hate for him from well-seasoned haters.


    And let's be honest: if I could get $10 million for four or five months of work that the world was well aware would not be my best, I'd take it in a second.


    I dont think this is about money.

  10. Loyalty, preserving his legacy, blah blah blah. Doesn't mean anything in sports any more. Perfect post, Speed Racer. Jordan played for the Wizards, but when we think of him, don't we really focus on his Bulls days?




    I guess if you believe that, than thats how you would feel, but I believe in loyalty and appreciate when I see it. Plus Bulls/Wizards isnt like Vikings/Packers. This is not only direct competitors, but huge rivals. I do agree that when all said and done, no one will remember his after GB years, but it still sucks to see what he is doing.

  11. A come back is one thing, but to come back to the Vikings is the worst thing he could have possibly done. Does he have any respect or loyalty to the team that pretty much was his whole career? I thought last year was kinda off but I gave Favre a pass and didnt think too much of it, but this is just bad. Favre is an idiot. You just do things like this.

  12. i don't think the micro-brews will be hurt by this since it is a completely demographic all together. i can't imagine someone going from a quality micro-brew to a bad budweiser anything to save a dollar. if you're already drinking bud, you're cheap to start with and have no taste and were likely never going to shell out the cash for the good stuff anyway. i do hope micro-brew sales haven't declined like the crappy beers though. if i saw those numbers, then i would probably be saddened by this news.


    I agree

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