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Posts posted by ZenLunatic

  1. I don't think so. Again, I'm totally biased. I think it was absolute crap to not have him back after he brought them to the championship the year before.


    And there's no doubt in my mind that he was the best quarterback ever. Not just records wise, which he holds most of, but that gunslinger showmanship. He's a character.


    But isnt Green Bay much better off now with Rodgers getting real experience and Favre basically fizziling out late in the last season and again retiring this season?


    If Favre played for Green Bay, i think Green Bay is weaker coming into this next season having a new QB.

  2. That's certainly a possibility. I just find it odd that rather than helping him, it's being filmed by a family member. Usually when someone gets a lot of attention in the media for being a mess their publicist releases a statement trying to explain the behavior. That hasn't happened this time, suggesting to me that there isn't a problem.



    If there is a problem, that makes Casey Affleck a much bigger asshole than anyone ever imagined Ben Affleck to be.


    Thats a missing part of his act. He should have his publicist make some statements and throw more people off.

  3. Entertainment isn't real?


    Real as in not an act. You know what I mean.


    He wants people to think its really him and he's gone nuts and thats the act. Its funny to see people believe it and its funny to see him act that way. He is no where near Any Kaufman levels, but I find it fun what he is doing. I think he should never let it known that this is an act, that would be better.

  4. Exactly - Kaufman's whole thing was about challenging accepted notions of what constituted "entertainment." It's not as if he dabbled with this kind of thing: confusing appearances.


    My favorite Kaufman appearance on Letterman was when he came on dressed as a nigh-naked swami, then proceeded to sing a Slim Whitman song in a perfectly beautiful falsetto voice.



    Isnt this what we are talking about? His appearance being entertaining or not? Is it entertainment or is it real? Just what Kaufman did.


    Alot of people didnt know what to think about the whole wrestling thing Kaufman did, alot thought it was real.

  5. I used to think the same thing as a kid. Why don't they just print more money and give it to everyone so people wouldn't be poor. Apparently if you print lots more money to solve economic problems it makes the money less valuable and adjusts itself so a loaf of bread would cost $3,000. Although, don't quote me on this, I think they actually did print more money somewhere amidst all this bailout stuff.


    You got the basics right. You print more money, you cause inflation. The more money you print, the bigger the inflation. The reason people are opposed to printing money.

  6. alright pre spring training predictions; NL Style


    NL Central

    1) Cubs

    2) Reds

    3) Cards

    4) Brewers

    5) Astros

    6) Pirates


    Wildcard team Mets


    So agree disagree?


    This is better. I think Brewers will be our the Cubs main competition again.


    Cubs will win the WS. :)


    NL Central

    1) Cubs

    2) Brewers

    3) Cards

    4) Astros

    5) Reds

    6) Pirates

  7. I agree on the debt as an immediate issue as debt sevice eats up more and more of the budget. It's my number one issue. Unfortuantely when times were not as bad we grew the debt rather than retired debt, it was piss poor fiscal management. Management of our debt has to be done in a fiscally responsible manner. Sadly though the politico's have convinced the country that banks need a trillion (tough apparently not as badly as we thought since some are considering giving the cash back so they can give out their bonuses), that projects need a trillion in order to stave off a depression. The "experts" also say action is needed, so I'm inclined to give the benefit of the doubt. I mor einclined to think "do something" rather than say sit back and see what fails. I just want it managed well and handled in a fiscally responsible manner. Social security on the other hand still has a fairly decent window of opportunity to work with. The punditry and politicians of a certain stripe (those who want to end SS) would have us believ that we are at the edge staring into oblivion, we are not. But we know where the horizon is. I say one more problem is that our military spending is out of control. We do not need 1500 bases around the world. We also need better managment of the military budgets.


    We dont have to do nothing. We can budget with the money we have better. Cut spending, cut government. Like you said, we dont need to spend billions to send military all over this world. Get rid of most of those bases. We have trouble at home, lets work on ourselves.

  8. But there is no guarantee they are mutually exclusive. The long term problem only becomes a problem if every country stops lending, but there is no evidence anyone would. I asked earlier, don't most of the world's economies work off credit too?


    No, other countries dont. Some do. China which is our biggest creditor has a trillion US$ in surplus.


    All countries cant work off credit because the money has to come from somewhere. Eventually, we will ask for more money that they can give us. What then? The other countries stop lending is a possibility right now.

  9. But the problem is, there is no sure fire temporary or long term fix. The way I see it, one side is looking out for the bottom of the economic order, i.e. making sure everyone at least has a job, even if that limits potential long term growth, while one side thinks top side growth is more important than anything else and that long term top side growth will eventually help the entire economic strata. Of course, there is plenty of evidence to show that neither side is better for the entire country or economy.


    Yeah nothing is for sure. But a temp fix doesnt address the long term problem. We need to address the long term problem.

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