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Everything posted by CortezTheKiller

  1. The biggest Springsteen influences I hear with these guys are their whacky Greetings/Shuffle-like characters and all those layers of instruments (most notably the keys and the horns) blending together to create that "wall of sound." Definitely some similarities, but different animals. I also agree that this is a very strong album. I'm looking forward to the vinyl release.
  2. Indeed. It's been in heavy rotation for me the past few weeks.
  3. Amen. Neil is a normal guy. . . . I'm a HUGE Neil Young fan. Nobody, for me, comes close. But Dylan is a fucking rock god. Nobody comes close. He brought rock music to a place nobody imagined. (I should throw a few more nobody's in there.) In Shakey, I believe Neil said his inspiration for stealing The Rockets and making them into Crazy Horse (Hawks/Band?) was a vision to combine Dylan with The Stones. Dylan is definitely a kooky dude, but you gotta give him his props. What rails did Neil ride?
  4. I think it's one of the best records he's ever made.
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