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Everything posted by CortezTheKiller

  1. I never questioned his intelligence or depth. I've just heard he takes himself very, very seriously and has a tendency to come off as an aloof elitist.
  2. Is he as big an "Indie Diva" as people make him out to be?
  3. I agree on Wildflowers, but it doesn't ruin my enjoyment of DJ and/or Echo, both of which sound very good to these ears.
  4. I'm not going to go back and look if some one is "taking credit", but "Victoria" is a cool song.
  5. Bold statement. I'm on it. Last DJ? Echo? Hmmmmm.
  6. I'm hearing good things about this. Will you continue this trend?
  7. We had "Something" on the organ as she walked down the aisle.
  8. The new album isn't his greatest, but I think it's a refreshing change. Some of the rapping/studio tricks I could do without. But Allison Moorer adds amazing harmonizing vocals to Steve's rough edges. Also, he sounds like he's in a good place on this album. I'd see him regardless.
  9. True. However, the "Valentine's Day" in my mind has atmospheric pedal steel (a la John Neff) replacing the 80's synthesizers as an accent.
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