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Everything posted by CortezTheKiller

  1. Definitely can't be considered prolific. However, the quality of his songwriting is very high. I love Westerberg as much as anybody, but with Cooley its about quality, not quantity.
  2. Definitely can't be considered prolific. However, the quality of his songwriting is very high.
  3. Funny. I almost busted that one out yesterday. NP:
  4. Love the new avitar. Is that you with Mr. D?
  5. "Heart and Soul" by Huey Lewis and The News is an excellent song.
  6. It's a good album. I love his cover of Dylan's "With God on Our Side." Very appropriate in light of the U.S.'s invation of Iraq which was fairly fresh when the album was released.
  7. Says the white vinyl is out of stock. Neat site though.
  8. Does anybody know the dealio with all the songs about deceased boxers on this album? I embarrassingly discovered this album just last fall and think it's an absolute masterpiece.
  9. World Waits For You/World Waits For You (Reprise) - Son Volt's Okemah & The Melody of Riot On Neil's Sleeps With Angels, he uses the exact same music/tune but different lyrics on Western Hero and Train of Love.
  10. Indeed. I like most of his stuff. My favorite is the live album, Live in Aught-Three, he did with The Heartless Bastards who back him with Faces keyboardist Ian McLagan on Just Us Kids.
  11. His vocal cords are a little strained from sucking his own wanker.
  12. Can I play pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese?
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