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Posts posted by lamradio

  1. Absolutely brilliant writing for Walts "confession".  How the events in previous seasons (like Walt paying for Hanks medical treatment) tied into it is genius..


    And Jesse's implosion continues.. Wow, the last scene.. I'm afraid his days are numbered...   

  2. I'll admit I often look up photos of musicians not long after I start listening to them.  I'm just curious to have an image to go along with the music.  Sometimes it changes the way I feel about a band, but never in a negative way.  


    For example I have been listening to this awesome post-rock band Whirr for a while and I just looked up their photos the other day.  I was surprised to see that they are very young (like just out of puberty young) and it made me respect their musicianship even more.  

  3. When Hank confronted Walt, I thought the whole  “If you don't know who I am, then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly.” was kind of arrogant and corny.  But afterall he is Heisenberg.  Otherwise really good scene though.  One of the best of the series.. 

  4. But again you make it sound like the only place to get insurance is through your employer.  Which is not true.  ACA has set up health insurance exchanges for you to buy private health insurance.  https://www.healthcare.gov/what-is-the-health-insurance-marketplace/.  



    Ok, I was under the impression (again misinformed) that the 1% of income or $95 fee would be charged even before the ACA options were available.  It appears that they will be available starting in October.  

  5. Ok, I had assumed I was misinformed.  Thanks for clearing that up.  




    IMHO the tax is too low.  The whole point of ACA is to get people without health insurance on health insurance to ultimately lower the cost of health insurance.  It makes sense.  But the penalty is not going to get more people to buy health insurance.  More than likely the penalty will just come off of a tax refund.  I wish the penalty was $1400 or more. 



    So the people that work for a company that doesn't offer insurance or the insurance is unaffordable are supposed to get shit on even more?  

  6. I heard the other day that they are delaying Obama care for another year, yet they are still going to charge the $1,400 fee for folks that don't have insurance.  Someone more knowledgable than myself please tell me that I have been misinformed and this isn't true.  

  7. They sneak up on you.  One moment you think they are a pretty fun band, the next you're picking up all of their albums (including the rare stuff) and catching them live anytime you can.  


    Is it October yet? 

  8. 1 bag of raw peanuts in the shell submerged in water in crockpot

    A shitload of salt (but not too much)

    Let them cook a good 24 hours, more or less depending on how tender you want them

    Add some tabasco sauce and/or crushed red pepper if you want them spicy



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