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Wilco Worshipper

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Everything posted by Wilco Worshipper

  1. Hey wait! This said Shubert Theater when I replied. What the heck?!?
  2. I'm going, not sure too much about the area. I know the venue itself holds only 1600 which I think is great! I'm hoping to meet up w/ Raspberryjam & her husband, sweetheart and yankeefox. Care to join?!?
  3. I love what nora wrote And how did Jeff just not rip that jean jacket off?!? He was making me sweat just watching him, oh wait...
  4. I was so taken aback by all of this, I even shared it with others outside the VC World. One such person happened to be the one who introduced me to Wilco in the first place. He had Son Volt's 'Tear Stained Eye" and played it for me. (I had mentioned that someone posted some lyrics from it here yesterday.) It's a beautiful tune. I was very happy to share "all the greatness" that was Nat with other folks. Hugs & Sympathies still to you all so deeply affected...
  5. http://www.telegram.com/article/20071227/COULTER03/712270767 Just wanted to share with you how my oldest daughter and her troop helped out this year. My youngest helped out with the work and presentation, as well. I'm VERY proud of them both
  6. I just listened to her version of 'California Stars'...absolutely beautiful
  7. I also did not know her personally and it certainly sounds like I missed out I do know from her posts that she came across as a kind and gentle soul. She seemed very happy about going back to Portland. My sympathies to her friends in Oregon, her family in Michigan and to Kate and the rest her knew her so well.
  8. Sometimes I just wish... oh never mind *sigh*
  9. For the record, this "he" is a she
  10. I truly love this one and I agree it hits you (well me) even more so live. The studio version always makes me a little sad but when they played it on June 24th (after all the talk about them NOT playing it), I lost it COMPLETELY. It was an INCREDIBLE, powerful experience...
  11. Love Jeff's voice in this! (and the song itself, of course)
  12. K, it's 11:50pm here. I'm drunk and my best friend just won 'Scene It'! The materials are ready and the slips are made out. We're getting ready to go outside as soon as the ball drops! The police alreadys went by 3 times...hope they don't come by soon...HA Again my best wishes to you all and thank you for feeling free enough to share... (If this is messed up, remember...I'm drunk and stuff...ha)
  13. Friends are here...party's about to start! I'll check back in for more thoughts/PM's at 11:45p EST, k?!? Happy New Year to you all!!!
  14. So sorry Edie...best wishes, sympathy and hugs to you and your family.
  15. I miss it as well. I don't watch ANYTHING on it anymore And I remember the VERY second it aired, we all went to our "cool" friend's house who had cable...lol And this list is VERY strange coming from MTV!
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