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Wilco Worshipper

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Everything posted by Wilco Worshipper

  1. So TOTALLY agree!!! Myself and another VC'er tried after both Massachusetts shows last June, but it was the staff that made the stink and we never even got close. Yet, I have a friend from the Midwest who has met them at EVERY SINGLE show she's ever been to. She even got Jeff and Glenn to talk to me on the phone after the Kentucky show! Best moments of my life EVER!!!
  2. I'll be in the front row, if you write the note I could try and pass it up there. Feel free to PM me.
  3. Back in my early 20's, my best friend/roommate and I used to start everyday dancing in our bright, happy yellow kitchen to this song. I never saw the video until today, but what a great visual to go along with an incredible song EDIT: Again my linky didn't work. Clearly I'm doing something wrong. Copy/paste, I guess...*sigh*
  4. I'm not gonna put up the link, but someone took a pic of the police bringing out his body...
  5. I heard about Heath about an hour and a half after it happened. I was in the doctor's office and it came on the TV. I started crying a little right there. My oldest daughter asked me if I "knew him". I had to explain it a little. I don't think I've cried over a celebrity's unexpected death since John Ritter
  6. That's so funny that you just posted this. I just put two videos from that show on my MySpace like 15 mins ago. There's about 7 or so really great ones from that day
  7. VH1's 100 Greatest Songs of the 80's (Hall & Oates had one at No. 6 )
  8. I heard someone talking about Cadbury Creme Eggs at the grocery store tonight...I thought of Natalie
  9. All VERY WELL SAID Robin I try and do the same for my girls, as well. Tho the older they get, the tougher it gets. I've actually starting going back to my gym recently. I don't make it a big deal around them, but when they see my shoes out or I show up at the pick-up line sorta sweaty, they know what's up. When they ask WHY I'm going, I NEVER said to lose weight. I say to be healthy. Everyone needs exercise and Mommy doesn't get recess like you. They are both thin, petite girls but should the day ever come when they have to battle a weight issue I want them to have a healthy sense of mind
  10. 5'4" female All my records are old, but cool (to me!).
  11. No, sir, I have not. Last time I ordered thru pre-sale the tickets came about two weeks before the show.
  12. You're welcome!!! That's a bummer! Hope it won't be bothering you TOO much come the end of February!!!
  13. Wilco while you're out and about This might have some answers EDIT: So my linky doesn't work...bummer But it's on Page 2 of Just A Fan
  14. Who's going? Who wants to join a VC pre-show gathering? And yankeehotelfox...where would you say is the best place for a group of us to go?!? I'm thinking something besides a pizza place, tho I hear they have many. Suggestions? Ideas? Can't wait for the show! And can't wait to meet some of you lovely folks!!!
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