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Wilco Worshipper

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Everything posted by Wilco Worshipper

  1. Actually, I am quite bored today. So thanks!
  2. First of all, that was only my third post in all this mess. Second of all, you were responding to El Ron less than an hour ago...I don't consider that you already stopping. Thirdly, I feel no pain in this. I find it a quite laughable really (the fighting/arguing not that Charleston got RESCHEDULED). But go on and say what you like, I'll stop posting about it ALREADY. I have to pack and get ready for my trip to NYC to see SNL, anyway. There's this really great group playing. Maybe you've heard of them... Oh, and sorry to threadjack from the intended subject.
  3. "Dude, that makes sense". NOW, can we stop?!?
  4. Another great night spent with you all!!! Thank you Wilco!!!
  5. "Tell me what I can do to be of better service to you."
  6. This was suppose to be our closer Sunday night
  7. My girls do too! They even air guitar!!! This is IT!!!
  8. Anybody know the call letters or dial number for this?!? I have a friend trying to listen.
  9. Jeff looks soooooooo young in the video for this!!! It's adorable!!! Yea, I said it.
  10. Except we didn't have John singing at our show. This is great!!!
  11. God...this will forever be known as "My & Jeff's Song" During the show Sunday night as he sang "will you side with me", he pointed & winked at me with the biggest smile EVER Same w/ my friend whom I brought to New Haven
  12. Six million viewers v. 1200 already existing fans I don't really see what there is to argue about. Most of us would've done the same thing. Jeff and the boys have been working very hard for a long-time and imho they DESERVE this opportunity. And as much as I'm proud that they get to do this, inside just a little I am concerned and saddened that the days of seeing them in a 1600 person venue may come to an end in a few years. But it's OKAY I do feel for the fans especially those that had to make travel plans to do this and now change them or even not go at all. But look at the big pict
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