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Wilco Worshipper

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Everything posted by Wilco Worshipper

  1. Agreed. Don't know if you could tell, but the owl was wearing two "Obama" buttons!
  2. According to the set list I have, they didn't have extra they just switched it. Casino Queen is listed at the closer yet Outtasite (Outta Mind) wasn't listed at all.
  3. The show was incredible!!! I sat right in front of Jeff...*sigh* We had a few bits of conversation here & there so that was cool, too! I was really psyched about all the old stuff they pulled out for us!!! My friend who knows of them but is not a huge fan was quite impressed with them tonight and said she has a new-found respect for them. She was completely mesmerized by Nels!!! I agree the crowd on the floor was sort of mellow at times but it's hard in a small seated venue. I was up front but tried to be respectful as much as possible of others behind me. If it was JUST up to ME, I w
  4. Leaving Mass soon can't wait to see you all and teh boys!!!
  5. Happy Birthday girlie!!! Hope you have a fabulous day!!!
  6. Oh man...what are the chances they'll play Too Far Apart or Airline to Heaven again on Sunday?!?
  7. omg...I just realized...I'm going to be IN NYC that night!!! aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!
  8. Coolio!!! We actually had friends of ours from Jersey play a gig there that night
  9. No, the Lucky Dog formerly known as Sir Morgan's Cove. You in the area?!?
  10. I've met: LouieB Walken Atticus Finch (not to be mistaken for Poongoogler) And had the pleasure of talking to on the phone: Leo Basil II happeningstone Received fabulous musical gifts from: AtticusFinch Walken happeningstone
  11. Taken the night before my best friend's wedding...
  12. That was his line on Sunken Treasure, too...it still cracks me up and makes me SOOO proud!!!
  13. My daughters wanted to be "scientists" tonight, so they're keeping a running record of the past hour or so WITH drawings
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