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Wilco Worshipper

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Everything posted by Wilco Worshipper

  1. Two of my co-workers each had a grandparent pass away today and now THIS...ggrrr I pretty much equate him with my own grandparents who both passed away in '99. Okay, now I'm crying...
  2. Thanks for the link... I may have completely disagreed with his conservative ways but he meant a lot to me growing up. His movies were a big part of my time spent with my grandparents...*sigh* RIP Mr Heston
  3. This is a joke, right?!? I don't see anything online
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a Dad like all others should aspire to be!!!
  5. Yup, I think it was Brooke. It was the first one.
  6. I thought Michael did a SMASHING job!!! Who sang that song originally?!? Did Dolly or did she give it to someone else?!? My girls kept laughing everytime he sang "sexy" And tho I'm not normally a big fan, I think Syesha did a great job! My bad for not catching that the 1st time
  7. I'm hoping Michael Johns can pull SOMETHING off with this
  8. Happy Birthday to a very nice, generous, helpful guy!!! May all your wishes come true and then some!!! I'll be sure to listen to 'Pot Kettle Black' sometime today in your honor
  9. This one, btw, is TOO BEAUTIFUL for words...even Andy looks good
  10. Wow...Flick musta been a Duranie to the nth degree!!!
  11. TOTALLY!!!...lol That was actually my lead poster on my "Wall of Duran Duran". I had 5 rows of the guys with those pin-up ones from teen mags. Five each of Simon, John and Nick and 3 each of Andy & Roger (I didn't care for them so much...they were kinda the "Joey and Chris" of 'N Sync or "AJ and Howie" of Backstreet...lol) Sorry, totally NOT hijacking...maybe we should start another thread HAHAha...niiice
  12. I was there in person the 1st time and as nice as it was, it was really great seeing it from home due to the close-ups and stuff. Jeff was really adorable during 'Walken' especially when he was doing his "Stevie Wonder" head bobbing
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