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Wilco Worshipper

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Everything posted by Wilco Worshipper

  1. McDonald's - 'cuz the girls want those miniature Build-A-Bear guys
  2. Maybe so...but her singing about it...idk something just doesn't seem right here
  3. And please don't kill me, but... during the last cpl mins of 'Kingpin' Jeff kinda reminds me of Kurt
  4. HOLY SHIT!!! Now those are some rockers And I love this song even more now than I already did!!! Really, really wish I had been there...
  5. I just saw this Hellman's commercial and it was all sweet (like Miracle Whip) about how it's the healthy, right food to give your family & kids. Who planned that anyhow?!? Signed, BIG Miracle Whip Fan
  6. See now that's what I WANTED... (In my best street voice) Why y'all gotta be hatin' on the banana, yo?!?
  7. A plain ol' banana I would've rather some junk food, but ya know...
  8. Indeed!!! Top band since 2000...and always will be. I make my friends and family quite sick of it actually...hehe And I really dig all the side projects, too
  9. I did NOT think it would make it this far either, but I guess it's close to people's hearts, err stomachs... And I didn't think your story was stupid, I thought it was fabulous!!!
  10. And that 1st 15 minutes right there, my friends, is WHY I watch the show!!! I'm pretty sure I'm STILL holding my breath... EDIT: So I was VERY proud of the show until the last 10 mins. I'm not going to ruin anything here, but if they have him do what they make it looks like he's going to do...I SWEAR here & now I will NEVER watch the show again!!! But, I'm pretty sure they (the writer & Denis) wouldn't be that dumb...I hope not, anyway.
  11. I was in Vernon and ummm, wherever Space Farm Zoo is...I forget the name of the town.
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