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Good Old Neon

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Everything posted by Good Old Neon

  1. The Depressed Person. http://harpers.org/media/pdf/dfw/HarpersMa...-01-0059425.pdf More to follow....
  2. And so I take one more step towards full blown misanthropy.
  3. It's not too often that I agree with David Frum (of all people), but he certainly pinned the tail on the ass (Rush Limbaugh): "A man who is aggressive and bombastic, cutting and sarcastic, who dismisses the concerned citizens in network news focus groups as
  4. Huge (though equally bittersweet and depressing) news for Wallace fans. It turns out he did indeed leave behind a substantial though not quite completed (hopefully not overly skeletal) third novel - The Pale King. A new excerpt entitled - Wiggle Room, was published in this month
  5. Not true, how so? The largest, most technologically advanced, well funded military and intelligence gathering agencies in the history of the universe (insofar as we are able to determine) were rendered obsolete and powerless against a small group of well educated, willful, yet equally misguided individuals. We can devote every single tax dollar collected to creating an even more advanced military and intelligence gathering bureaucracy, and yet they will always pale in comparison to what can be accomplished through good old fashioned education and diplomacy, well, at least if we want to avoi
  6. And yet a six pack of box cutters, a five dollar value, nearly brought us to our collective knees. Conservatives claim that throwing money at a problem rarely makes it go away, and yet that is exactly what they continue to ask for via defense spending, quite possibly history
  7. As is usually the case, reality, and the law, is far from black and white.
  8. Even further evidence of the porousness of certain borders - or - the more things change, the more they stay the same. From Salon: Bagram prisoners have no rights? I said a few days ago that I would hold off on criticizing Obama for things he might do, after Charlie Savage's disturbing piece on signs the new president might ultimately back Bush-Cheney terror policies like extraordinary rendition and indefinite detention of terror suspects. Late Friday came news of something Obama actually has done, and it's appalling: He's backed the Bush administration claim that terror suspects held
  9. On some levels, I like the guy. He
  10. Rather than focus on the disastrous social fallout generated by a fucking cartoon, I sure as shit wish Al Sharpton would focus his considerable talents and energies on the myriad, much more serious, aka - real, issues that don
  11. From what I understand, Quentin Tarantino, much like he did with the dead in the water John Travolta, has expressed an interest in reviving the career of Lancelot Link. Who, from what I also understand, is only now recovering from a 20-year drug fueled career filming and starring in monkey porn and life insurance advertisements.
  12. Perhaps you and I crossed paths that fateful morning, and in doing so, exchanged musical tastes ala Judge Reinhold and Fred Savage in Vice Versa.
  13. In light of recent developments in the primate kingdom, perhaps it is now time to consider doing away with the entire species
  14. Wherein wikipedia provides information related to the probability of an army of monkeys crafting a stimulus bill, or in this example, Hamlet. Ignoring punctuation, spacing, and capitalization, a monkey typing letters uniformly at random has a chance of one in 26 of correctly typing the first letter of Hamlet. It has a chance of one in 676 (26
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