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Posts posted by KevinG

  1. I have heard that story as well, I believe it is true. I think almost all the Doctors will be remembered most for being the Doctor. Troughton was in a few US movies like The Omen and some Harryhausen movie (Sinbad?). Davidson and Baker have had good (british) TV roles since Who, and Eccleston is probably the best off of all Doctors, although Tennant has had some fine roles as well. Meh.



    Rumors abound that Tennant may be tapped for the next Batman movie, as the Riddler. But that is just a rumor and based on something I saw one the internet. Go ahead google David Tennant Batman.


    Now that you are back, I think Tennant will have the best luck as an actor outside of Who. His stock has risen with Who (with it's airings on SciFi and BBCAmerica, which no other doctor really has had), but also his run on stage as Hamlet, his work in the Harry Potter Movies, and some other Brit TV stuff he is positioned himself to be come very big here in the states. I suspect David will be a pretty big star soon.

  2. Has anyone read the Darkly Dreaming Dexter books?


    I did, or at least the first one, and it is terrible. I mean it was really really bad. It read like it was written by a 7th grader, trying to sound cooler then he is. There was way too much alliteration in the book. The one thing the book did well is explain Dexter's Dark passenger, which you don't get a sense of in the show as much.


    The TV show is way better.

  3. My biggest hang up with April is over half the songs clock in at nearly six minutes or greater. I love the music, but at about 5 mins I am like get on with it, already.


    Other then that Sun Kil Moon is fantastic, and April is great. prolly 8 in my top 10 of 2008.

  4. pretty early to rank Noble Beast, but for now i'd put it on par w/ Weather Systems


    1. Mysterious Production of Eggs

    2. Armchair Apocrypha

    3. Weather Systems

    4. Noble Beast

    5. Swimming Hour

    6. Thrills

    7. Oh! The Graandeur

    8. Music of Hair



    I always thought you liked Armchairs over Eggs.

  5. Only a few songs in and not in prime listening conditions, but it sounds, so far, hookless and minimal. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I'm having a hard time paying attention.


    I totally agree with you. I am listening to right now, but at work.


    Over it is solid, a lot moodier then Eggs or AA. But it has a song about pirates, and that is always good.

  6. I never said it would change my preference or tastes or opinions, I just stated that it rubs me the wrong way sometimes. I can totally understand the past problems making some older stuff feel less than inviting. If that is the case, just say, "hey I was going through a real hard time during those albums and they just remind me of all of that shit and I'd rather not, at least not now." You don't have to act like your earlier stuff was below you. In the end I don't care to the point of not listening, I guess if anything it just reinforces what I already know: Even though I love someones music I probably couldn't be their roommate? :stunned



    I still don't know what Ryan said about his music that "hurt your feelings." Some context would put this whole thing in perspective.

  7. Right-wing, no longer funny comedians, who still think they are important??


    I have seen them do the audience participation stuff also. At a show at the Riv they did something that sort of fell flat and ruined the end of the show. The obscure historical stuff is what makes them unique though....




    Not quite what I was looking for, artists who use obscure references to not only make a point (and possibly do it in a tongue and cheek way), but also to show how smart they are. I have said it before and I will say it again. At times Colin Meloy writes songs just to show how smart he is. Not to say the end product is bad, but annoying. I have never said they where overtly serious, I think pretension and seriousness do not go hand in hand. Quite often the who are the most pretentious think they are doing it with a wink and nod. ie Dennis Miller. Another way to say this is Artists who are smart, but their art is written to show how smart they are.


    To a varying degree I feel these musicians that fall into this category.


    They Might Be Giants

    Ryan Adams

    Sufjan Stevens (though I think he takes himself way to seriously, but that is another thread for another time)

    Ben Folds


    And to tell you the truth, they are some of my favorite artists.

  8. I think it's an interesting topic of discussion.


    This is a message board. It's actually a pretty good one.


    This is where we exchange ideas, opinions and musings.


    If you don't care "what the hell" he thinks, don't read the thread. Or don't read the board. Or go away.


    I was trying to make a point. I love this board and I love the exchange of ideas and what not. But when it boils down to it, does anyone really care what others think? Most of the time people are looking for some sort of validation of what they believe is right. Ryan Adams liking or not liking a record doesn't matter. If Ryan Adams or anyone preference changes your preference in anyway, well that is is just sad.


    Not to say people can't influence you, but ultimately your tastes should be your tastes.


    And Hardwood floor, I will never go away.

  9. I love the use of the word "pretentious" to describe any rock music. It's a joke, and a term that has replaced the phrase "selling out."


    Sure, some of it's a little goofy, but I look forward to every direction they take. They're not a typical band and, if they're going to sing about strange topics, more power to 'em. They could always just write the same love/heartbreak song every other pop band is writing these days.


    Don't get me wrong, I don't adore the Decemberists, but I enjoy them a good deal and they do put on a pretty fun live show as well.


    Writing a 7 minute songs about obscure Japanese folk tales is pretentious. Simply put Colin Meloy is trying to show how smart he is. I have always felt his songs are like, look at me I know about this segment of obscure history and I am gonna put it with this outlandish cord changes for the next 9 and half minutes. That is pretentious. It is not goofy. Goofy is 2 min songs about milk. There is nothing goofy about the Decemberists.


    Needless to say as I had said before, the end product is generally good.

  10. really who cares what Ryan Adams thinks, for that matter who cares what the hell you think. If you like the early records great. If someone doesn't then that is their opinion.


    It is hard to tell what the problem you had with Ryan's "diss" of Whiskeytown, because you never site anything. If Ryan said anyone who listens to Whiskeytown is a fing moron and should be killed with a chicken bone you might have something. But if he just care for the records, then why do you care, cause he made them? You like 'em, great. Just leave it at that. Ryan, Jeff Tweedy are actually people, why should you care what their opinion is over the faux-hipster down the street.


    It drives me nuts when people put so much credence in to their so called heroes think. They are no more special then you or, regardless of what they have done.

  11. bad rap? that song is typical of what they do, just happened to be a fluke hit


    if that is what you think then, ok. I prolly won't change your mind, and you won't change mine. I think the majority of their songs are much better then Stacey's Mom. Traffic and Weather is a great album imo.


    And I meant bad rep, as in reputation. This is a bad rap:


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