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Posts posted by KevinG

  1. So here is my story. I found out I was going down to Chicago on business at the same time of the Residency Shows. So I thought great the company will pay for the hotel and food, I just got to get tickets. So I got one ticket for Monday and one for Tuesday. Now that trip is cancelled. So I would like to get rid of one of my tickets in exchange for the other night. This way I can go down with someone.


    So it would work out like this:


    You need a ticket for Monday and have an extra ticket for Tuesday we would work that deal out




    You need a ticket a ticket for Tuesday and have an extra for Monday we could work that out




    You have a pair for any of the other nights and you need Monday and Tuesday.


    Please PM me and we can work out the details, or email me at keving139@yahoo.com



  2. In no particular order


    Mysterious Production of Eggs - Andrew Bird

    Quicksand and Cradlesnakes - Califone

    The Foxconfessor Brings the Flood - Neko Case

    Being There - Wilco

    Heartbreaker - Ryan Adams

    Rufus Wainwright - Poses

    Haughty Melodic - Mike Doughty

    Let It Be - The Replacements

    Songs for Silverman - Ben Folds

    The Ghost of Fashion - Clem Snide


    I couldn't decide between Twin Cinema and Challengers from the New Pornographers so I guess neither of them make the cut.

  3. no this is worse though... sometimes i thought it was an instrumental because his vocals were so low


    That is too bad, I was looking forward to this album


    So using the scale would you

    Buy It

    Burn It

    Skip It


    Taking in mind I am a big Sugar fan, and only so so on Bob's solo stuff

  4. Liam Lynch does a pretty cool video podcast. I know you can find it via the iTunes Music Store (iTMS)or at http://www.liamlynch.net/ (select podcast). It is pretty funny and he has a good musical sensibility. He created Sifl and Olly and directed the Tenacious D movie, as well as numerous videos. He also like Doctor Who a lot so you should be down with that. In fact he did a whole episode on why he like Doctor Who (classic).


    You live in the UK right? Cause I know in the iTMS in the UK they have a ton of video podcasts and 99% of the are free.


    If you are not afraid of spending a couple of bucks buy a TV show or two. The have some in the UK iTMS, but not that many. OR if you have and movies on your computer covert them to an mp4 file and you can watch them on the old iPod. Or I take DVD and use handbreak which converts them quite nice for me. But then again I use a Mac.


    Good luck

  5. Showstoppers and Heaven & Earth are amazing, after that i really dig My Rights, Challengers, Myriad, Unguided and Spirit of Giving, after that i can take or leave the rest. only 2 songs that i'm not really big on though White Cecilia (not Dan's best work) and Solitude


    their show last month was killer though. best i've seen them (i missed the Twin Cinema tour though, saw them off the first 2)


    you do have Georgie James super high though, that rules ;). i only posted my top 5 but pretty sure it's in my top 10


    Any album with a song like Showstoppers on it automaticlly makes it awesome. I love that song so much it is silly.

  6. So enough time has pasted I am ready for my top 5. Unfortunately I could have prolly put this list together this past January, when I got wind of what albums where coming out this yeah. No surprises that I was like oh my god.


    5. In Rainbows - Radiohead

    4. Sky Blue Sky - Wilco

    3. Easy Tiger / Follow the Lights - Ryan Adams and the Cardnials

    2. Armchair Apocrypha - Andrew Bird

    1. Challengers - The New Pornographers


    Honorable Mentions: Release the Stars - Rufus Wainwright; The Else - They Might Be Giants; Cease to Begin - Band of Horses; Wild Mountain Nation - Blitzen Trapper


    Also as a side note, why is ther no love for Son Volt's The Search? Only a handful of mentions, I thought there would be more.

  7. My Top Ten plus One


    These are not necessarily my best songs of 2007, but they are the ones that summed up my year.


    1. Fiery Crash - Andrew Bird

    I spent a lot of time in airports and airplanes over the past year. This song sums up the feeling of waiting helplessly in Airports, and the only way to have a good flight is to imagine it crashing before you get it on.

    2. Goodnight Rose - Ryan Adams

    This song gets me every time. It is kinda cheesy, but damn if it doesn't make me want to go follow the Dead

    3. I'm impressed - They Might Be Giants

    TMBG is the first band I started liking on my own. I was glad to see them take a more rocking turn on this song. The kiddy stuff can get kinda annoying.

    4. Wild Mountain Nation - Blitzen Trapper

    I just found out about this band a last week. Described as Pavement meets the Dead scared me away, but damn if this isn't a fine album and a great song.

    5. Between My Legs - Rufus Wainwright

    Ah Rufus, you are so unabashedly gay you nearly become a stereotype. Do we need the Phantom of the Opera reference in this Song, no. Did we need the album of Judy Garland covers, prolly not. Are you one of the best song writers alive today, maybe. This song goes from Rocking to weird in the span of 4 minutes and 30 secs

    6. Life on Mars - The Bad Plus

    From their release Prog, takes my favorite Bowie song to its natural prog-rock/jazzy conclusion

    7. What Would Jay-Z Do? - Ben Lee

    I love Ben Lee, yes he has been described as a rainbow riding a unicorn, but damn if he doesn't write clever pop songs. And who hasn't wondered what would Jay-Z do?

    8. All the Old Show Stoppers - The New Pornographers

    Damn, damn, damn. Is there a better album out this year? Is there a better song on the album? I'll fight you if you want.

    9. Lyndale Avenue User's Manual - Atmosphere

    Remind of the early fall days of living in Minneapolis.

    10. Dreamworld - Rilo Kiley

    Yeah the album was boring, but I really like the Fleetwood Mac-esque song on this album

    11. It's Only Divine Right - Michael McDonald

    technically from 1979, but unearthed this year, it is truly a great song. Unfortunately the audio recording does not do it justice. Check out the video


    I could figure out the Divshare thing so I went with the original spirit of the thread and went through you send it.


    KevinG's top 10 plus 1

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