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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. Happy Birthday. Hope it's a great one.
  2. Wow. I can see where she would get stumped by Katie's hard hitting questions there. "All of them!!" I've asked this here before... does anyone think at any point that she would think to her self "I'm really not qualified and am very uncomfortable with being the VP and potentially President of the US"? I don't want to pile on her here because the notion of her being the VP candidate is simply absurd. Worst decision ever.
  3. Awesome...simply awesome. There have been some bad choices for VP in history but this has to be the worst, correct? Biden wasn't a great choice but he's looking better every day.
  4. The UAW may have "clout" in holding certain aspects of business over the corporation's head. However, they see their membership continuing to decline as layoffs and outsourcing continue to happen.
  5. AWWW.. Snap! Way to make your post count!
  6. I believe that this was the best of the reissues. The demos are great. Some of the demos on the other reissues, and reissues in general, are just crappier versions of the original album version.
  7. As a White Sox fan, I'm supposed to hate the Twins. I don't. Both teams are fairly good at disappointing though.
  8. whatdisay pretty much sums up my opinion on the issue but with more eloquence Neon - I give you credit for tenacity but don't you ever get sick of pointlessly arguing your own point?
  9. you may have missed my point. They had to win Sunday and Monday to stay alive.
  10. yea. 1906 I believe. White sox have their work cut out for them. Tomorrow is essentially their 3rd playoff game this week.
  11. for the record, i think jacobnicholas started it with his whole 'not getting that Sarah Palin is an absurd choice for vice president and SNL is making fun of it and i don't think it's funny thing'. You know, the whole forest through the trees...
  12. no, I was referring to the fact that he only has 20 posts and 18 of them are regarding Oasis...at least anecdotally. Oh, and I'm guessing that either you haven't heard most of the artists you're referencing, or you have crappy taste in music.
  13. Whenever a Jay thread starts, people feel an obligation to chime in with whatever negative horseshit they can conjure up. I saw Jay fairly recently and he was damn good. I don't believe he was practicing his new found sobriety but, other than that, his music was great. I root for him. He fucked up his opportunity with Wilco but I believe he had some help with various substances, ego, etc. He's a talent and I look forward to his new output.
  14. C'mon, you must work for the band, right? Full disclosure?
  15. I could very easily see it being overturned with a Republican nomination. That is a part of what is so frightening. Is that true? That's kind of sad. I don't know if people who elect to have a child with Down Syndrome are morally superior but it is certainly admirable in many cases.
  16. They nailed it, huh? Except Obama and the ear thing. I never noticed he had big ears.
  17. I'm beginning to think that you and I have a different sense of humour. I think Dennis Miller and Jay Leno are a couple of tool sheds while Bill Maher is absolutely hilarious. Arrogant? Yes, but funny.
  18. yes, I agree that the Obama impersonation is not great. He looks the part but the bits typically don't go anywhere. They were somewhat funny last season when they picked on the media's love of all things obama but this year hasn't made me laugh. Regarding the Palin, I still fail to see why you don't find it funny. Mean? I really don't think it's much of an exaggeration. Have you seen her actual interviews? I find them to be almost as amusing.
  19. it's only been posted for an hour or so. I don't really have a comment beyond why are you looking for a picture of Ahmadinejad?
  20. I wouldn't say bimbo but, otherwise, pretty accurate. Except, I think it's funny and pretty spot on. regarding the trip to New York and "that goofy evolution museum" and the United Nations. "So many interesting people," "Though I have to say, I was disheartened by how many of them were foreigners."
  21. Most disagree with you on the Fey as Palin being weak. It's pretty spot on and it's fucking hilarious. I've only watched the first 4 or 5 skits but thought it was much better than the previous weeks. They should have ample material heading into this election period. Maybe you just have a difficult time laughing at the GOP candidates?
  22. Agree completely... this is a very solid ep/mini-album. Two listens through and I'm thoroughly enjoying.
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