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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I definitely don't want to get ahead of myself but that is easily the best the Bears have looked in a very long time. Including thier "super bowl" season a couple of years ago. Actually having a running game DOES make a difference. Cedric
  2. wow. Did anyone see Carolina beat San diego with 2 seconds? Great pass by Delhomme
  3. very cool Lou. I don't think I'm liking the double album quite as much as Fort Recovery but it's a really good album. I haven't had a chance to see them live as of yet. Looks like their live show translates pretty well.
  4. That's a good one. I've been through it a couple of times and it may be their strongest.
  5. I took it as Rogen, Rudd and the folks making the film loved the Ghostbusters films and wanted the opportunity to make the 3rd with the original cast and writers.
  6. I don't know what that is but thanks. I'd do the same!
  7. I believe that I just came to the realization that I prefer Joe Strummer's post Clash work. I sure find myself listening to it a hell of alot more. There haven't been too many artists that go out on top. My feeling is that this guy's best work may have been in front of him despite his ridiculous catalog. Did this need to be a thread? Probably not but this hit me this evening and I figured I'd shout it from the vc rooftop.
  8. The Nuge is like the Rush Limbaugh of shitty rock and roll.
  9. FYI - I haven't gotten that evasive goat yet but I will... I will.
  10. I used to tease this guy in my old job that was a self-proclaimed avid hunter. He could never really explain with any detail what he enjoyed about it. He'd say he really liked the thrill of the hunt and he loved the outdoors. I said that he should sneak up on them and take a really nice picture. He became confused. He came into work once with pictures of his bear hunt in Alaska. He shot a bear from 50' out while he was on a boat. This guy couldn't have been more proud of himself. He later brought in the jaws and explained to us that based on the jaws, he could tell that the bear was c
  11. Although I'm not technically "against" hunting, I certainly don't understand why someone would want to do it. I understand the arguments "for" but still fail to understand how or why it's enjoyable to someone. That said, hunting for food is a completely different situation in my eyes than "hunting for sport".
  12. Is that the new one? Is it available? How goes it?
  13. It was an averaged size old white guy that was pretending to be energetic!
  14. Based on some of the arguments in here, there must not be a lot of successful people in Manhattan.
  15. McCain would let me keep more of my money as well and I'm sure as hell not voting for him. That is not true of the big picture depending on your views though. Stock markets historically do better under democrats. Macro vs micro thinking? Then again, I don't have oil futures.
  16. that's perfect. Why I still am surprised by some of the dipshit comments made on the inner web is beyond me. Yes, Orkie, I'm looking at you.
  17. Orkie - Did you invent alt.country? Your knowledge on this topic appears to be immense.
  18. I am prefixmag. I just wanted everyone to know what the essential alt-country albums were.
  19. punk/indie...etc - I always thought of Uncle Tupelo as a cross between the Replacements and traditional country.
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