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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I have ceased providing money to charities as of today as I don't want to be an "enabler".
  2. What a GREAT tribute! Hats off to JCPenney...yet again.
  3. I have generally heard that Naperville is included due to it's size - over 100k people. However, I see this list seems to contain cities that are over 50k people. Naperville is ok but Bolingbrook and Aurora are a bit questionable. For my tastes, I like a nice quaint downtown area with great schools, parks and train access.
  4. What, are you Bill O'Reilly now?
  5. It is... I saw it last week and couldn't believe it. It's been a long time since I've been to the Green Mill. Seeing Nick Lowe there would be amazing. I am unable to make it as well.
  6. has it been confirmed that this is just a presale... will tickets eventually go on Ticketmaster? I'm thinking a roadtrip to MN for First Avenue night 1 is in order.
  7. A couple of them did but he seemed to enjoy one of them. If I remember correctly, it was Giraldo that may have offended him but Jeffrey Ross not so much.
  8. Great stuff... I actually missed his when I was watching it. Funny how much of his material fell flat with most in the room. The comedians definitely got it. I loved Greg Giraldo's as well.
  9. Bob is not a good song. "Ghost to Most", "Righteous Path", "Homefront"... none of those grabbed you?
  10. I don't want to derail this important, important thread but I believe it was just that one guy that didn't like Starbucks. A good portion of us like Zooey and Starbucks so the new guy should be ok there. ViaChicago is somewhat mixed on text messaging though evidently.
  11. I like Zooey, Freakwater, Starbucks and text messaging. There is nothing in this thread that I don't like...except HATE!!
  12. They opened for Freakwater- Douche Chills
  13. more of a straight-up country sound with a bit of a dark bend to it. They are actually pretty good. I've texted through 3 or 4 of their shows.
  14. My perception is that it was the content of said texting at any concert. As long as those folks were enjoying themselves, no issue from my perspective.
  15. I like Freakwater and have no violent, moral concern to text messaging. It can be a very useful and productive tool if used properly. That said, you do run the risk of looking like a douchebag depending on the venue and timing.
  16. huh? I respect your taste in music generally. Have you actually listened to them?
  17. Did we ban the guy that text messages yet?
  18. Yes, love 'em both. I see a great deal in common from both the musical and lyrical content. THS may be a bit more singularly focused but they both have a heavy focus on lyrical content. They are both mutual admirers of one another as well.
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