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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I always took alternative country to mean a mix of alternative and country rather than an alternative to country.
  2. yes, my feelings exactly. I think it's a very strong offering but I certainly don't consider it as one of the best albums of the year.
  3. Happy Birthday, Johnny! Slap on some Dylan and enjoy the day.
  4. Your Obama Tax Cut is: $4,232.40 I can't seem to find a site highlighting what McCain would tax me.
  5. Seems to be the first weekend of the entire summer that we don't have any significant plans. Hope to keep it that way.
  6. Great to hear/read. Nice work and congratulations to your family!
  7. I'm a big Todd Snider fan. The guy is criminally underrated. I really liked "The Devil You Know" but it seemed to come out with little, to no, publicity. Maybe he needs to sign to Nonesuch or something?
  8. Agreed on Jason's solo album. I also agree that Jason & 400 Unit have really gotten strong live... rocking harder than the Trucker's is a bit of a stretch though. Very, very influenced by the Truckers, yes. Last time I saw the Truckers in Chicago, they really tore the place down.
  9. Hope it's a great one. 41 is the new 31 and stuff.
  10. Langhorne Slim - Daytrotter session great stuff
  11. It's Of Montreal's new one and it's quickly losing me. I generally like about half of their stuff and this album isn't much different for me. edit: NP: Switched back to my comfort zone.
  12. I'm fair too. I know that there are some bullies on the board and I find it to be a bit on the 'horseshit' side at times. That said, with you, it's the absolutes that people tend to call out here. Myself? I've had issues with maybe 10 people on this board in the years I've been on here. All have been related to me calling bullshit on them speaking their opinion as if fact. Condescending behavior is not something that is taken well to here, or anywhere. You're a smart guy, I'm sure. Saying Mother Theresa disgusts you is insightful. You know it is. Your opinion on it, right or wr
  13. not a t-shirt but possibly of interest: stillers
  14. I may not have the means to teach a nation birth control. However, I can provide funds to organizations that do as well as organizations that can help those in need. Regardless of motive, helping people is a good thing. Mother Theresa was an exemplary person and not one that should be looked at with disdain and "disgust" regardless of your religious or other views.
  15. thanks bobbob... really, the people that haven't been giving of their time and money previously are the real heroes. I'm just taking what I learn on this message forum and putting it to good work. I am going to use the money that I save to post even more stuff on the internet!! That's what will really make a difference.
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