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Everything posted by ditty

  1. Nice write up, I could have used this show on Wednesday, too bad I'm in Indy.
  2. Google Kamala Harris. There really were a lot of winners on Tuesday, as Samantha Bee pointed out.
  3. I am angry this shit is going on. Are you denying it is happening? Is YOUR president elect speaking out and against this?
  4. WTF, I will double down, this shit needs to been seen by all People Share Frightening Images In The Aftermath Of Drumpf’s Victory http://www.huffingto...4b0cdd5e7e99e86 -- Reports of racist graffiti, hate crimes post-election http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/10/us/post-election-hate-crimes-and-fears-trnd/index.html -- Of course, Fox news calls them professional protesters I FOR ONE, WILL DO WHAT THE RIGHT DID FOR 8 YEARS AND PUT CONSTANT OBSTRUCTION IN THE FACE OF THE REPUBLICANS
  5. The Incredible Reason You Might Start Seeing Safety Pins Everywherehttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/safety-pin-trump-brexit_us_58251b53e4b0c4b63b0c11a9 Ready to get my ass kicked, standing up for others
  6. People Share Frightening Images In The Aftermath Of Drumpf’s Victory http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/day-1-trumps-america_us_582497afe4b0cdd5e7e99e86
  7. Winners Alt Right Corporations Guns Rural Religion ALEX BALDWIN ;-) Losers Environment Equality for all Health Care MAJORITY word for the 2nd time in 15 years
  8. Jim James Shares New Solo Album in Full http://www.jambands.com/news/2016/10/27/jim-james-shares-new-solo-album-in-full/
  9. I thought the game was on your local Fox channel? http://www.tvguide.com/listings/
  10. Trump admits there are more tapes http://www.msnbc.com/brian-williams/watch/trump-more-attacks-if-more-tapes-surface-783196227923 and he admits in 5 seconds or less
  11. I believe rule areas will vote heavy on Trump, but the major metropolitan areas where the electorate numbers come from will vote Clinton. The outcome will be an electorate win for Clinton and a popular vote for Trump. I think Trump already knows this too, hence his comments about the system being rigged.
  12. I haven't heard her bring anything up, BUT, her supporters should. Third party canidates have no place in presidential politics (really all politics - see Samantha Bee last night, poor Maine) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC18vz5hUUqxbGvym9ghtX_w until we fix the money first political system we have. yup...we will relieve the opposite in a month. Drumpf will win the popular vote and Clinton will win the electorate.
  13. those that are saying they are sorry for voting for Nader are not villainizing Nader. They think if they voted differently, things would have turned out differently she's ruthless with a take no prisoners approach, I love it!
  14. Both are opinion pieces, just like ass holes, we all have one.
  15. just a little something to read and think about. I haven't heard anyone here thinking of voting third party, but I have read "I'm voting against Hillary" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/ralph-nader-voters_us_57f55aa4e4b0b7aafe0ba7f1?section=&
  16. http://www.newsweek.com/2016/10/14/donald-trump-cuban-embargo-castro-violated-florida-504059.html more facts about Trump, I'm sure he was just being a smart business man
  17. http://bittersoutherner.com/patterson-hood-bitter-southerner-interview-drive-by-truckers#.V-q6ZPkrKM- we're living in such a fascinating contemporary time right now, that we wanted to make a record that's a document of this moment
  18. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/hear-jim-james-soulful-protest-song-same-old-lie-w441740 Jim James laments social injustice, gun violence and political paranoia on his hypnotic new protest song, "Same Old Lie." "Now who's getting cheated out?/ You best believe it's the silent majority," he croons over a psychedelic synth pulse and sustained violin. "And if you don't vote, it's on you, not me." "Hate crimes, shelter lines/ They try to take what's yours and mine," the My Morning Jacket frontman observes in hushed tones. "Is there any peace to be found in a lifetime?" After the pri
  19. I'm sure this add won't help the minds of the undecided choose or change the minds of those that have already decided as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHGPbl-werw If a comment about shooting someone on 5th avenue won't affect a person's decision, nothing will.
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