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Everything posted by ditty

  1. The left opinion shows were a direct reaction to The Rush Limbaugh Show. Pre Rush, politics was much more civil. Then he came along, then the internet, and then all hell broke lose. Exactly The Rush Limbaugh show premiered in 1988 The Rachel Madaugh show premiered in 2008
  2. Rush started all the hate and shit spew, before the Tea Party, while he was a wife cheating, pill popping, ass wipe talking about Bill Clinton's blow job.
  3. Very true, but it comes from the right. Look at the hate Rush Limbaugh has been pushing for years. I read and view video from Fox News daily, just to see the bat shit crazy first hand. This is something I believe everyone should take the time to do.
  4. This country's HATE, is a direct result of a violent radical CHRISTIAN philosophy, that the last 8 years worth of REPUBLICAN congress has fueled and was STARTED by one piece of shit president "W" in 2001. RELIGION AND MONEY IS THE ENEMY!
  5. Sadly, after all the years they've put it, they probably still need the money. It can't be cheap to keep Malcolm comfortable with his unfortunate health issues.
  6. That didn't stop Wilco from cancelling Indianapolis last year or Bruce or Pearl Jam or Boston, all cancelling North Carolina.
  7. Damn, my mistake, here you go: http://on.msnbc.com/1WdPTVZ One candidate, calling the other out for substantive issues, is what elections should be about.
  8. Interesting piece on how Ted because a Senator. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show It's worth 20 minutes of time, in my opinion.
  9. 9 p.m. EKG 9:02 p.m. More... Random Name Generator The Joke Explained You Satellite Taste The Ceiling Pickled Ginger Where Do I Begin Cold Slope> King Of You Magnetized Either Way Handshake Drugs Art of Almost Via Chicago Hummingbird Panthers Box Full Of Letters Heavy Metal Drummer I'm The Man Who Loves You Dawned On Me Impossible Germany Passenger Side The Late Greats --------------------------------- Airline To Heaven ---------------------------------- Misunderstood* Bill Black Nova* It's Jut That Simple* Jesus Etc.* California Stars* A Shot in the Arm* 11:17 p.m. * — performed hoot
  10. Correct. Jeff and Spencer had a nice hug at the end, likely their last show together for sometime.
  11. Hazel Fake Fur Coat> Diamond Light, Pt. 1 Flowering Summer Noon World Away New Moon Love Like A Wire [Diane Izzo] High As Hello Wait For Love Low Key The Losing End (When You're On) [Neil Young] Only The Lord Knows Give Back The Key To My Heart [Doug Sahm] California Stars
  12. bböp Please don't stop being honest, if you do, I have no reason to even lurk as a guest anymore. We can all get the set lists from Wilcoworld.net or setlis.fm Singed, Tired of the repetition, predictability and songs cut from the encores
  13. I know a couple of you would be disappointed it I didn't pop up one more time, so to answer you directly: Correct, my wife is a long time fan and I'm sure she will use the tickets I bought for us. Well we certainly don't want any freedom of speech at this concert NOT REPEALED, PANDERING NOW. As I have said since the beginning, it was the harshness of the statement that was upsetting. "Hope to get back to the Hoosier State someday soon, when this odious measure is repealed." My wife hasn't given up our 2nd ticket yet, it's yours first and Wendy's 2nd... O and folkgirls 3
  14. Since you say it's over, please tell the band to contact Live Nation. I would like my refund. Wilco
  15. Very interesting Same-Sex Marriage Is a Religious Institution Deserving Lawful Protection http://www.huffingtonpost.com/g-roger-denson/same-sex-marriage-christian-history_b_6990864.html
  16. Thank you for the reminder they read this stuff, this IS the reason I posted here. Most of us here do agree with their politics but not how they took a stand on this LGBT issue. To somewhat quote Jeff on playing Indiana after the sad death of his mother, he said something along the line "this is what his mother would have wanted", and I truly believed him and felt very sad at this show for such an incredible loss. As for the possibility to reschedule the show, this is their statement "We are canceling our May 7 show at the Murat in Indianapolis. The “Indiana Religious Freedom Restoratio
  17. Again, you don't know me. You won't find me on Facebook, Twitter or any other look at me, look what' I'm doing, look at what I got or got to do Millennial elitist bullshit, to quote yourself.
  18. We should get a ticket price refund, but I would highly doubt that will include the $13.50 per ticket, Live Nation fee. For those of us here, that buy tickets regularly, there is a certain amount of stress that goes with buying tickets, just look at the pre-sale days and threads discussing those.
  19. Yes, I know, thank you. I've already read back and wish I would have used my words differently, and certainly know I'm preaching to the choir. I also know management and Jeff read the board occasionally and they should understand there were other ways and they have PISSED fans off, specially with the line in the sand they drew. "Hope to get back to the Hoosier State someday soon, when this odious measure is repealed" This morning our wonderful politicians introduced new language for the state's "religious freedom" law, to clarify that the law does not allow businesses to deny goods or servi
  20. ha, glad you took the time to finally chime in. But since you get into most shows for free, what's it matter, right? Actually Cincy, Louisville and St Louis are all close by. Traditionally I would have gone to ALL theses shows plus the the Chicago run in December, but management chose to suck us mid-westerners into going to Nashville first and as those shows were just upon us announced the Chicago run. I've learned that's their mode of operation, get the same fans to all the shows and suck them dry...but that's actually more a comment for this thread http://viachicago.org/topic/50674-is-it
  21. The bottom line is the band made a commitment to play a show. MANY fans made commitments for this date and the band should stick to theirs. If they want to say they will never return, then fine do that but stick to your commitments. As for everyone willing to pat them on the back for this, where were they when Proposition 8 was passed? As Hixter said last night "Indiana allows same-sex marriage, but they have shows scheduled in several states it don't allow it, including mine. Why aren't they being boycotted/canceled, too?" How about some consistency? I think that's all the ticket holde
  22. Since you have gone here a few times, please enlighten me where I can connect generosity to the following - cancer assistance, Doctors Without Borders, food, shelter, home assistance, kids educations, clean water, flood relief, Vote for Change (by the way did it and ended up with Pence) etc. and Wilco drawing a line in the sand and hoping to return when this law is repealed, Lastly, you don't know me, so act like you think you do and don't judge my priorities! It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH, as you know, Wilco promotes this. Please don't misinterpret my comments as freaked out, after all
  23. (see post 56) The NCAA, Gen Con, Angie's List + many city / states not paying for travel to Indiana have made the difference in this change, not Wilco as a few want to believe. Pence will not change this law that he has so proudly supported. He was one of the first teabaggers on the train.
  24. 2,500 tickets at $60 = $150,000, Live Nation was the promoter and we have NO ticket tax. The only people that lost were the fans, local restaurants and a corporation that few care about = no wallet impact.
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