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Everything posted by sweetheart-mine

  1. i'd like to give him credit for finally saying something, and i'll give him a little -- but (1) his attack dog has been off the leash for a little too long and gotten people too whipped up (see in the video how they want to stay whipped up and don't want mccain telling them to respect obama?), and (2) would he be saying these "calming" things now if the polls were showing that in the big picture the attacks were working for him? i don't think so. this is the mccain of 2000 and earlier, and i don't buy it.
  2. one inning gone and i'm already exhausted.
  3. obama isn't frothing. that may be the most important thing.
  4. well, whatever. we'd all have heard about it if he'd set off bombs in the last 35 years, so with his history that's a positive.
  5. a lot of people knew the guy and continue to associate with him today. some people are with him right now as i type. that doesn't mean they condone what he was doing in the late sixties, before he became a professor and began working for positive causes. i think it's a very weird link to focus on when it comes to obama, and i do think "pallin' around" (which palin uses in the present tense) is misleading in the extreme.
  6. if they are being told that by people who know for sure there is absolutely no reason to worry about social security and medications under a republican administration, yes, i'd call that fearmongering.
  7. i don't have time to take a poll, but i'd guess you'd be in the minority on that definition. you certainly would among the conservatives in my neighborhood, not that you should care. you like your definition, that's fine with me. it isn't fine with me when it's used as a manipulative smear, and that's how palin and company are using it.
  8. i don't know it, i said i THINK it. knock off that crap, will you? it doesn't help you. iraq, fearmongering, relations with other countries.
  9. don't put a word in my mouth. who said "official"? not me. what's your definition?
  10. i agree, and also with several other reasons in several different posts today. he also let himself get swift-boated, and there was that fooling around with election results in ohio. i think we'd clearly be better off today on several fronts if kerry had won, though i basically find him somewhat ineffectual and very poor at communication. i voted against bush in '04 and i was not happy that my only other choice of an electable candidate was kerry.
  11. "pallin' around" is palin's/mccain's term, i assume meaning to hang out with, do things with, go places with, and so on. it is a gross (and irrelevant) exaggeration. most conservatives i encounter know this and have no trouble admitting it.
  12. did you waste your employer's time writing that or your own? either way . . .
  13. yah, definitely old, but i guess someone has to consistently represent the faux savior propaganda. pathetic.
  14. i hope beckett is as recovered as they must think he is. oblique strains can go . . . on and on and on.
  15. i know he retired as anchor, but . . . he's not retired. i don't care for the job he has done on "meet the press" and now as election debate moderator. as a sometime commentator among the pundits, he doesn't seem very perceptive to me, though he probably does better at that than in the other, more responsible positions. we all burn out at some things eventually; i'm not knocking his whole career, and i've always thought he was a very decent person and still is.
  16. i suppose she cleaned it off her fur-trimmed coat if not the pic? if so, Fur Is still Dead, lady. PATM, you've got guts as an activist. my sister has spent most of her adult life rescuing thousands of feral cats, meaning she feeds the colonies, safely traps the many she can manage, gets them shots and neutering, decides based on their personalities whether they want homes, and for the ones with domestic potential fosters some and finds foster homes for others, and then finds good permanent homes. it's tiring and expensive work, she's practically in the poorhouse now, but nothing stops he
  17. it's great when people are quietly paying attention all the time and then, when an occasion arises, remember what someone probably thought was a never-to-be-had wish granted. says a lot about you and your wife, john smith.
  18. they're probably the ones who still want to think obama is a muslim, and now think he's a domestic+ terrorist, and yell "kill him" when palin is doing her thing, and say stuff like "no way will i vote for that black boy" even when they know they're on national tv. well, then are people like the real estate broker down the street from me who thinks bush has to be wonderful because he has a photo of himself with bush on a golf course. i confess i once taped a napkin over that photo on his wall when he wasn't looking -- as a JOKE -- and he hasn't spoken to me since.
  19. i think you're dead wrong about that and giving most of the posters here short shrift. why do you think people care so much about this election? look at the condition of our country! the stakes are way bigger than just wanting your own horse to win. if i thought mccain had the smarts, will, and priorities to shift course, i'd want him to win. if he wins, i hope against hope he doesn't fail to shift course in positive ways. i think he would fail, which is why i'm not voting for him, but that's way different from wanting him to fail if he in fact becomes president. brokaw was a d
  20. we live in a tiny apartment over my old antiques shop and rent out our cottage next-door in the summer by the week (resort town here). the rental is our main source of income at this point. since last week two families have canceled their 2009 vacations because they're freaked out over the $ crisis, and one of them was for the whole month of june.
  21. "sunken treasure" dvd soundtrack: war on war elt summer teeth i am trying to break your heart the thanks i get sunken treasure sbs: impossible germany side with the seeds either way you are my face on and and on sky blue sky
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