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Everything posted by sweetheart-mine

  1. i know. sad, eh? the questioner didn't seem to realize that it has no meaning except as fodder. he seemed dead serious.
  2. she is one person, among many millions, and a person who most don't respect no matter what her "endorsements" are. why would her opinion deserve attention unless by those who admire her opinions? at least she's not on the ticket with him. when i look at the other ticket . . . this surely pales.
  3. that dim dome stadium with catwalks for catchers is not somewhere i'd want to be either unless the team became, well, viable. as they certainly have. the cowbells: ugh. (especially ugh for a person with tinnitus, if you can imagine.) that dope has been there for years. remy and orsillo insist he's a nice guy. the guy is an idiot; he makes a lot of games unwatchable (or at least unhearable). i remember even the used-to-be-easygoing damon would look baffled when he stepped up to the plate and like he wanted to say "why oh why is this animal allowed in here." thanks everyone, i'
  4. ok then, i'm holding fast. i know a few undecideds who can probably be converted to your-fridge supporters. i'll have them call and email you. as for chuck norris the action star, i haven't met an action star yet who made any sense but will keep trying.
  5. yes, that "messianic" label is just another empty, propagandistic lie and it floors me that some people buy it after all the lies of the past eight years. since when did becoming excited about a candidate who has the potential to start leading us out of the messes of a current administration make a person a scary, robotic warrior? it is plain old bullshit. excited support for a candidate who wants to turn things around used to be a perfectly understandable, reasonable phenomenon. to get pushed aside as some crazy, worshipful, dangerous zealot for that is ridiculous -- and so is the ide
  6. it really is a great story. can anyone explain how this happened in one year? i don't understand it but would like to.
  7. sure. you can find many more dangerous zealots supporting other causes/candidates/"values," though -- during the early years of the bush administration, for starters. the blind following the blind in halls of congress before the iraq invasion and for most years after? the "young republicans" groups that produced the reptilian likes of karl rove? dick cheney? ever taken a good long look at blackwater? at least that you tube video is most likely political propaganda produced by obama's "opponents." the other stuff is actually real, unfortunately. this is true. this
  8. you betcha. the passion to end a useless war back then was incredible and, unlike today, couldn't just be ignored by the president sitting in his white house. nixon was having fits, as i recall. as a non-church-goer, i have to say the churches in d.c. were amazingly supportive. they offered their sanctuaries as places to sleep on the floor with a blanket and made us meals, at a time when most institutions weren't taking a stand. since our invasion of iraq in 2003, the protests have been minor sprinklings in comparison -- no real movement. i give a lot of credit to people who turn o
  9. for his 60th (ahem, i'm younger than he is) i gave my husband a hot-air balloon ride, something he'd always wanted to do. this took a few weeks of nerve-gathering for me, because while he loves flying and geography and adventure, i hadn't flown in anything for 17 years because i hate it. i arranged for the hot-air balloon, then sprung the plan on him as a surprise. the most fun part of the surprise was that after getting really excited and talking about it for 15 minutes, he suddenly said, "you mean . . . you mean . . . YOU'RE GOING WITH ME?!?" and i did. it was gorgeous up there!
  10. what you'd like to see is what i think will happen, but what you think will happen is what i'd like to see. edit: i hope you're right, though!
  11. i can't do artwork without listening to opera at the same time.
  12. the few i've seen the inside of seemed to be missing quite a bit of furniture, were filled with plastic crapola, and looked like nobody cleans them. maybe this is just maine, i don't know. the other thing i noticed, even during the boom years when a lot of mccmansions had people living in them, was that it never looked like anyone was living in them. no one was outside, no signs of life. those neighborhoods were spooky. they kept being built, even as the boom was ending, and now a lot of them appear to be ghost-neighborhoods for real -- after replacing meadows, woods, walking paths,
  13. october = character assassination, at least from one side. this was predictable, of course, though if they're going to use the palin for such ridiculous claims, i suspect mccain's credibility will suffer more than it already has. character assassination seems to be a one-way street in this campaign. e.g., did obama pull that stuff on hillary (much as i like hillary for many reasons)? there were obvious mounds of dirt from over the years to throw her way, and he didn't do it, although she made a number of attempts to turn hiim into a scary, dishonest guy, such as the jeremiah wright thi
  14. i'll second that. he had a long and fierce loyalty to the club & fans and played hard. it was sad to see him go. it was also touching and great fun to be part of the crowd that gave him a standing O and didn't want to stop when he first came back to fenway last year, with the indians. i'll never forget it.
  15. these are fabulous! thanks for posting.
  16. yes, but dole used to be very witty, even though i couldn't stand his views. his wit did help me to tolerate election seasons.
  17. about an hour ago i saw a clip of couric walking with palin and asking her about her rapist-abortion policies/beliefs. couric kept asking if palin would want abortion denied to middle-teen-age rape victims. palin refused to answer the question, which was asked two or three times. each time, palin said only that she would "counsel" the young rape victim to choose life. it's not hard to figure out what she would push for as a hiree or electee of the federal government.
  18. well. jeez. they've done well enough so far that i guess they know what they're doing on this front. but i see few stickers, few yard signs, which is too bad. and maybe it doesn't matter here, maybe they've already figured that out. but it's annoying. if it's best in the long run, for the election, hell i'm making my own yard signs. this weekend. i'll gladly spend that dollar or whatever plus a few minutes to make my yard signs, if it helps the campaign reach undecideds. the sticker (which i had made online) is already on the car, so i say let's get moving, don't wait for the
  19. exactly. although it happened several years later, iran-contra, which was far more serious than nixon's watergate and yet punished far less, ultimately made every political maneuver by the reagan administration suspect, certainly including its grand entrance into office on the faux mid-east "failures" of carter. ugh again.
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