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About H.Stone

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  • Birthday 05/12/1973

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    Left of the Dial
  • Interests
    Music, Running, Reading, Drinking beer with friends

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  1. A beautiful, emotional conclusion to the weekend. First, Sima Cunningham -- whoa! She really nailed that Pops Staples song. I didn't know she had that voice in her. Beautiful! That's also when the set took a very emotional turn for me followed by Sammy Tweedy making his SS debut with Military Madness. I've only seen Sammy sing a couple of times, but they've been so good and earnest and focused. He's clearly reluctant to be center stage, but he was great. I vote for more Sammy (in literary shirts). And watching him share a mic with Jeff? Too much. I really really wish he had taken a verse on
  2. There was a nice segue from Jeff's banter about being there for each other (Being There!) to One by One--Woodie knew how to put it to words or somesuch. Hmmm, I was also right up front and feel confident that was a big ol' moth (yes, huge!) that dive-bombed Jeff's chest. It was drawn to the fabulous lighting, poor thing. It didn't have the swoop and dive of a bat, but it did hang around for a bit after before abandoning the stage. Maybe in the end we'll agree it WAS a falcon. Jeff went so far as to say he put HANDFULS of hair in his mouth at home. I was waiting for him to add, "...someti
  3. I enjoyed this show from waaay back, near the silo, and it sounded so good. There were things I missed about being up close, but I was so impressed with the sound all over. Go, Stan! Banter: Jeff said four words on Friday night, after the BT set: "Thank you very much."
  4. I'm not sure I'd use "bewildered" to describe him when he said this. That makes me think of someone saucer-eyed, surprised to find himself where he is or doing what he's doing (like Brian Wilson when I saw him in 2008 in Jackson Hole). All of Jeff's comments seemed more like attempts to "explain away" his forgetfulness in a way that might be more palatable than simply saying he was tired or worn out or not really "feeling" learning/practicing/performing almost 30 more songs (added to the ones from Friday night). The mention of the meds, the "I don't know what I'm doing anymore"--they all felt
  5. It was a wonderful night! I think you're right, Paul, that the roaming and ottoman-sitting contributed to an especially intimate feel. Thanks to the Tweedys and the hosts for their incredible generosity. And a special thanks to whoever brought those LEMON BARS. I've been dreaming of them since. There were so many great requests, and You Are My Face was an especially nice surprise. Country Disappeared, Reservations... *sigh* I wish I could bottle all the things a night like that makes me feel. So thankful!
  6. Awwww...P! There's the big ol' softy I love! Sounds like a great run. I've only experienced a few Wilco Residencies, but they remain some of my favorite memories. The "real world" gets put on hold for a bit, and each day is all about one of your favorite things in the world: Wilco. What an escape! Thanks for the vicarious experience.
  7. Also, only one missed song from the Hootenanny part of the setlist: CA Stars
  8. Per the band setlist, Jesus did in fact come between the two new tunes. There's your spice, Paul! (Yes on Outtasite.)
  9. Edited to add a setlist (from setlist fm). Typical it would take a Midwestern work ethic to Google this for you Coasters... More... Random Name Generator The Joke Explained I Am Trying to Break Your Heart Art of Almost Pickled Ginger Hummingbird Handshake Drugs Cold Slope King of You Via Chicago Spiders (Kidsmoke) If I Ever Was a Child Jesus, Etc. Locator Box Full of Letters Heavy Metal Drummer I'm the Man Who Loves You Red-Eyed and Blue I Got You (At the End of the Century) Outta Mind (Outta Sight) Encore: Impossible Germany The Late Greats Encore 2: Misunderstood (acoustic) War on War
  10. Email tsszyman@gmail.com Show's at 6:00
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