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Everything posted by allgodsmoney

  1. I'll be there with all the english majors
  2. OH boy! What is it with the english teachers? I'm sure glad my taste in music has been validated Maybe we could have wilco play the next English Fest, or have a poetry reading prior to the show. Awww. come on! u know I love u guys! especially Happin' stone... Ha ja!
  3. What is it about the sound in Eagles? Is it the dome? The 2 times I've seen bands there I've enjoyed myself, but ja der hey, what is with that sound? Is there no other venue in Milwaukee with no seats an large enough for wilco type bands? ...And what is with those beer prices? $6.50 for an MGD. U'd think for what they're charging for tickets, beer, and parking they could patch up the plaster in that place. It's not miller park by god! I do like the lights around the celing though. It (the sound) wasn't bad right up front, and I think Tweedy spit on me during his no mic performance
  4. Is there beer there? Aye? I'll be there! Are there gunna be old men showing me to my seat with flashlights and no drinks and sitting? No? Standing, seeing one of my favorite bands with a Wisconsin brew in my hand, or stay home and do the same-o same-o. yeah...no brainer... Eagles'll be allright if our car doesn't get broken into. E come ow!
  5. Paul Westerberg - Can't Hardly Wait http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix-oIf9jqsw awesome!
  6. Did anyone record this show?
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