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Everything posted by ction

  1. I had the album (on cassette). Now I'm really hoping it is up on the pig place so I can snag it again.
  2. I walked by a newstand this morning and saw this article for sale there.
  3. I really think it's the same movie, just two different versions with two guys who vaguely resemble each other.
  4. I watched the bad vampire movie Jim Carrey was in a bunch when I was in high school, but I always get it confused with the bad vampire movie starring that kid from Dead Poets Society (which I also watched a bunch).
  5. I never understood what that meant, and WRONG!
  6. Way to go, you stumped them all and killed the thread.
  7. I forgot, there was the prescription written by his father, which I guess could be fake. Also, Locke saying "you're not supposed to do this." He's said that before, or at least "this isn't supposed to happen" or something like that, where he seems genuinely confused and upset by the course of events. I can't remember when and where though, although I think it was in season 2. This was a great ending to season 3, btw.
  8. Question - So the scenes with Jack were a flash-forward....then what was the deal with him telling the new Chief of Surgery (or whatever he was) to "get my Father down here and see if he's as drunk as I am"? Was he just being sarcastic in referencing his dead father? Disclaimer: I DVR'd this and watched it late last night, so I could be remembering this scene incorrectly.
  9. Hilarious! P.S. Good bit.
  10. Black Flag to me, less than 10. Go! edit: I'm pretty sure this can actually be done.
  11. Ok, smart guys/gals...Black Flag to Sanjaya from American Idol. Less than 10. Go!
  12. You are a goddamn liar/link please (sorry about the ark-shay umpage-jay thing from before, bro)?
  13. Show you're goddamn work! (I'm actually good til Will Ferrell -> Pam, I think. Nesmith to Nicholson is the Monkees movie, right?)
  14. Black Flag -> (drummer Bill Stevenson) -> Evan Dando (played together in latest version of the Lemonheads) - > Jesse Peretz (original Lemonheads bassist) -> Jack Black (Peretz directed Foo Fighters' video starring JB) -> Steve Carrell (both appeared in Anchorman) - > Pam from the Office Probably could have done that quicker using Rollins, since he's an "actor". I didn't want to embarrass the guy by making him own up to it really being a "stall".
  15. Can you link Black Flag to Pam from The Office in less than 10 steps?
  16. Speaking of strange looking hair, I'd like to once again point out that Rasheed Wallace's head looks like the Death Star.
  17. Is this like Project Greenlight? I loved that show. Only saw one of the movies that were actually made though (the last one, from that Gulagar guy). It was awful.
  18. I fully expect them to be in first place again at some point. But until then, I will laugh. And then if/when my prediction comes true I will then cry and never venture into the baseball thread again.
  19. Since there's no Black Flag trivia thread and you didn't really ask a question there I guess I won't mention that Raymond Pettibon is actually Greg Ginn's brother.
  20. I'll be honest, I don't think I've ever listened to more than 5 seconds of it. But it irritates people, and in that way I feel we have a strong bond.
  21. Chain store owned by Haliburton.
  22. I know, I was being sarcasmic. I'm sure there are plenty of good people toiling away at Best Buy, fye, etc., just like there are plenty of good people working at mom and pop shops.
  23. I don't have a problem with the drone part, but the rest of the scenario you're portraying is all wrong. Your girlfriend is the one who should do the vacuuming. You should be out building a shed or grilling a porterhouse.
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