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Everything posted by ction

  1. I'm sorry, we were looking for "like the back of a Volkswagon?"
  2. I don't know what that means, but it is a great line.
  3. It would probably be an uncomfortable place...
  4. I'm sure she's beaming with pride.
  5. To be honest, I hardly ever listen to Wilco, so I doubt this scenario happen for me anytime soon.
  6. I don't think I ever attacked you for your opinions. I think I actually made an effort to communicate with you when you first started posting (in what seemed like an intentionally confrontational tone). Oh well. Take care.
  7. I thought it was usually Canada. Hell, I was legitimately curious to see if it was something I'd heard of...
  8. It is my curse to be haunted by the inevitable non-response.
  9. Just curious...what bands have you been in/what label do you run?
  10. I have? I had no idea. edit: this is in response to unclepunk, obviously. goddamn computers.
  11. I actually feel bad for you, since you've also had the music of five truly great bands (the Ramones, Clash, Buzzcocks, Jam, and Descendents) tarnished for you over the past few years. Hell, there's probably more I can't even think of.
  12. ShuckOwens' avatar/signature combo has me goddamn smitten. Seriously.
  13. ction

    Sell Out!

    I don't know...aren't Wilco booked as a guest because whoever is responsible for the content of the show thinks they will draw in a certain segment of viewers? In my admittedly semi-ignorant view of how TV works, the goal of a show like The Late Show is to attract as many viewers as possible, not because they care about the numbers themselves, but because they care about how the numbers influence the amount of advertising revenue they can generate. In this relationship, Wilco and CBS are using each other to promote their products - Wilco is selling an album, a DVD, or maybe a tour, and CBS'
  14. ction

    Sell Out!

    Ignore him. I appreciate you giving me a legitimate response. If I may pose a follow-up question... What do you think about Wilco promoting their albums through appearances on network television (I'm thinking primarily about shows such as Letterman and Leno)?
  15. ction

    Sell Out!

    Did you recently (let's say within the past few weeks) determine that Wilco are sellouts, or did you determine this some time ago and only decided to mention it now?
  16. ction

    Sell Out!

    If I ask you a question, will you give a real answer? My feelings will be hurt if I ask and all I get is schtick in return.
  17. Nazis, global warming, Fugazi, marketing, socialism, NASCAR, sad little status seeking upwardly mobile sales reps, Canada, censorship, health care, and truth, justice and the American Way.
  18. I wasn't there, so I don't know if the professor proved that all artists use their art to get paid/laid (I would guess that would be difficult to prove). I think her argument that Wilco have used their art to at least get paid would be an easy one to prove, since they, uh, get paid for their art and have from the beginning of the band.
  19. I guess the question is, are the contradictory statements coming from the same people?
  20. I would almost go as far as to say you were "very, very tempted..." //editor's note: No, you see, I was tempted to edit the real post like so.
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