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Everything posted by ction

  1. "Do you think Allisson Stokke is watching this game?"
  2. This should be understood whenever the bit is used, as it is meant as a tribute.
  3. Everyone should read between the lines here and recognize that Mr. Aricandover is clueing us in to a reunion of Wilco's pre-YHF line-up! Holy S _ _ t !
  4. The previous three post arc was very funny. Could someone forward me the links?
  5. The biggest things in my life are my wife and kids. Other than that... music The Boston Red Sox The Washington Redskins good beer books being an idiot on the internet pancakes
  6. Peter Angelos deserves every bad thing that happens to his team, that bug-eyed, blue-lipped, fish-faced sonofabitch.
  7. I think we all need to take a step back and find some common ground:
  8. They keyboard riff in the second song reminds me of Billy Joel's "Pressure".
  9. I think the only way to truly end these Nels vs. Jay debates is to have the two of them square off in a good ol' fashioned guitar duel, a la Raph Macchio and Steve Vai in Crossroads. Winner stays with/rejoins Wilco, loser spends eternity playing "Smoke on the Water" in Satan's house band.
  10. That would actually go well under my avatar. P.S. Sorry for getting off topic, let's get back to paying our respects to Mr. Falwell.
  11. If I wouldn't be stuck with it for 3 months, I'd totally change my screen name to "VC's conscience."
  12. I'm pretty sure there's some middle ground between feigning sadness over his death and joking about it.
  13. I'm a total moron and I was easily able to set up high speed cable internet on my own. It was really as easy as hooking coax cable to the splitter and modem, and plugging the modem into the PC. I didn't even need to use the set-up cd that came with the modem. As a bonus, Cox Cable gave me a free cable modem and splitter. They actually even replaced my cable modem when it stopped working, a year and a half later as well. Check with your cable company and see if they offer free modems.
  14. I read somewhere it would probably end up back in the 9 pm timeslot and have all 16 episodes run in one bunch, a la 24, starting in early 2008.
  15. I regularly listen to stuff I've ripped from vinyl to cdr. A lot of CDs sound awful because they were poorly mastered (especially those released in the first 10 years or so of widespread CD releases). A good rip of vinyl to CDR can sound great, and definitely much better than the official CD versions. The Replacements Pleased to Meet Me is a good example of something that sounds awful on disc compared to vinyl. I've got a vinyl rip of "IOU" that sounds awesome, even on CDR (and still very good as an mp3). Listening to vinyl itself would obviously sound better still, but records skip a lo
  16. I actually downloaded a copy of Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock n Roll" for those rare times that I'm alone in the house for more than 20 minutes. P.S. I had to buy the pair of tighty whities, because you can't download those yet. Damn you, internet.
  17. I actually Google'd this one, because I didn't believe it was real.
  18. Awesome! That was me btw, and unfortunately they just broke up. Hopefully their last album will still come out this fall.
  19. Didn't Pitchfork name Justin Timberlake's album best of 2006?
  20. I just listened to some of Build a Nation, and musically the comparisons to their early stuff aren't that far off. Dr. Know, Darryl, and Earl actually sound really good...not as good as the ROIR tape or Rock For Light, but not bad at all. Way better than what I was expecting. Too bad they don't have a functioning singer anymore. Christ, HR's vocals on this are awful. I don't expect him to have the same power at 50 that he did at 24, but his singing on this is pure crap.
  21. In this scenario, John Cusack has claymation burgers dancing to Van Halen and the "I want my 2 dollars!" kid on his side and wins in a landslide (boobs are awesome though).
  22. Since I have permission to go with 4: s/t Leave Home Rocket To Russia Road To Ruin Those might actually be my all-time favorite 4 in a row.
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