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Everything posted by ction

  1. I would guess that it's a matter of one set of very large pictures in one post vs. a large picture(s) attached to every post. Or something.
  2. The new Avril Lavigne single. Because I think I like it and I don't like that I like it.
  3. I don't know what the right answer is. If they decided to cancel classes, is it then safer to dismiss thousands of students into a dangerous situation? It's all just sad to think about.
  4. I think in a perfect world, the legality of downloading music should be determined by each artist. But in the real world, I'm guessing that would be a nightmare. This discussion reminds me of a recent blog post by the guy who runs Suburban Home Records (a very small label). He's cut all the prices of his records to $8.99, but still has a hard time selling them...to paraphrase him, cheap is good but it's hard to compete with free.
  5. I have to pee, so I'll try to do this quickly. I've heard the argument before that people can read books for free by checking them out of the library...why can't people listen to music for free as well? Libraries don't put publishers out of business. Or something like that. Someone else can feel free to elaborate if they've heard a similar argument.
  6. I agree. There aren't many analogies that do work when talking about file sharing, etc. The library analogy is another one that comes to mind...
  7. I think you'd have a much easier time arguing the opposite side of this, since illegal downloading is, uh, illlegal.
  8. Sure it does. They are white and attended Duke. Whatever shit they have to deal with is nothing compared to the shit other, less white and less male people have to deal with.
  9. They're rich and white. Can't they just finish school at Harvard or something?
  10. If I was a female stripper, my stage name would be Miss Ogyny
  11. The white is the better rich douchebag. And he practices to be the better rich douchebag, and he's bred to be the better rich douchebag because this goes way back to the Europe. The king would breed this rich white man douchebag with this rich white woman douchebag so he could have a rich white douchebag kid. That's where it all started.
  12. Can you picture it? Now...imagine these guys were white.
  13. It's a shame that there's no mechanism to make changes to the constitution.
  14. I think Still Feel Gone might be my favorite album that Tweedy has ever played on.
  15. If you changed compulsory military service to compulsory national service, I'd agree 100%. Compulsory military service works a lot better in countries where the leadership doesn't think they have a moral obligation to act as the world's police force.
  16. Btw...Nadia, the Muslim CTU agent, is a very attractive woman.
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