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Everything posted by ction

  1. You can certainly try. You might even make it through the rap part, but I dare you to hang in there once that other guy starts screaming off key.
  2. That's because anyone who owns, works at or even shops at a mom and pop is a good person - probably a democrat who opposes the war, is favor of a woman's right to choose, and generally has the right opinion on issues...while anyone who shops, works, or is any way associated with a chain store is most likely related to Dick Cheney, enjoys the comedy of Dice Clay, and clubs baby seals in their free time.
  3. Step 17 - Find it almost impossible to care less about how many copies of the new album have been sold compared to Linkin Park, or Billboard album rankings in general.
  4. It's ok I guess, just don't make it a habit. You can, however, regularly watch disc one, commentary-free, as long as you just keep repeating that part where they play "I'm Always in Love" in the loft. Goddamn that's a great version of a great song. P.S. You don't wear red and white clothes while you enjoy Wilco, do you?
  5. I no longer own a working turntable either. And even if I did I still don't know that I'd ever truly appreciate the new one. How about we just listen to AM instead? I get the feeling you aren't really interested in enjoying wilco on my terms. Don't be so hasty. I'm not a fascist, and I can't condone the destruction of your girlfriend's property. Unless of course she is also intersted in enjoying Wilco on my terms. In which case you should donate the poetry book to your local library for uncool, unhip patrons to enjoy.
  6. I occassionally re-read sections of the Kot book on the can, but tend to avoid any "SBS review" internet links, mainly because I'm afraid the reviewers will not enjoy Wilco on my terms and that will make me go blind with rage. And the only blog I read is captainisdead.com, and that's only because the guy who runs that is my ex. Basically, I think we can enjoy any and all printed material, and most e-content. The only exception to the printed material thing is the poetry book. We don't read that shit. Non-negotiable. I download that stuff and then never listen to it, so yeah...listen
  7. Good question, Lammycat. I think the Mermaid Ave. stuff is fine to listen to in moderation (skip "Secret of the Sea" though, of course). While I'm a big fan of some novelty bands/artists (Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Flogging Molly, Bob Dylan, etc.) I don't generally like novelty songs done by non-novelty bands. Black Flag's "TV Party" is an example. I kinda view "Just a Kid" as a novelty song, which could be totally incorrect and misguided...but they are my terms. And as such you're going to have to skip this particular song.
  8. Step 2 - Don't go see them live. Sure they're entertaining and are great musicians, but they don't share my focus on the first 3 albums anymore. Plus, indoor venues are usually way too crowded and smokey, and outdoor shows usually take place during the summer and I break a sweat just thinking about +85 degree temperatures. Stay home, watch some TV, maybe post some random thoughts on a Wilco fan site, and keep try to keep cool and comfortable. Anyway, if you're like me (and by reading this it's clear you are at least interested in going that route) you've got a handful of officially rele
  9. I'm certainly not saying you have to, but if you're interested I'll tell you how in this thread. Step 1 - Very rarely listen to anything other than the first 3 albums. You can certainly recognize YHF's greatness, but I'm kinda burnt out on that one - listen to AM instead. Skip the others except the new one, which you can listen to once a week. more to follow...
  10. I can't wait for the Top 25 Songs to Listen to While You Read Yet Another Rolling Stone Top 25 Songs List.
  11. Yep, at least for the second album. I vaguely remember a song that kinda had a "Ballad of John and Yoko" vibe (a song I don't really like all that much) and a whistle solo. I also kinda remember thinking I'll be ok never hearing that song again. I actually kinda like a couple songs from the first Loose Fur album though.
  12. I really, really like this song.
  13. Wow. Seriously...that's the worst thing I think anyone could say about a movie.
  14. Fancy talk for someone who wears a helmet when surfing the net, Mr. Beltmann.
  15. I don't know if I can do it...I'm too e-shy. I might be convinced to post my weekly recaps of 24 that I started doing a few weeks ago though. They're pretty much fiction.
  16. In my fan fiction, that's you reading the box scores and seeing that Kyle Lohse pitched a one-hitter.
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