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Everything posted by ction

  1. My dad called me this morning to tell me that he sat at a bar next to Steven Van Zandt last night, somwhere in NYC. He said he played it cool and didn't bother him.
  2. "I told my kids, 'Daddy's going to die with his boots on' "
  3. I was going to start watching the first season of Homicide last night, but then saw that Dog: the Family Speaks was on A&E. I watched that instead.
  4. That Fruit Bats line justifies the existance of AIM.
  5. Rocket From the Crypt - Live in Stockholm
  6. You wear your underwear outside of your pants and live with a 16 year old boy?
  7. Strip clubs are good...seeing some naked broad roll around on the floor of an auto parts store and then "plucking" dollar bills off the face of your co-worker (who just got a promotion) is even better.
  8. What's the point of that? I hardly know anything about this person, so I may be missing something.
  9. Well...I...quit the goddamn board.
  10. Dear caliber - Who do you think won at Golden Tee today - me or Wookies? Your pal, ction
  11. Just repost mine in a week. No one will notice/care.
  12. "Tim Armstrong acknowledges that wearing a mohawk in 2006 is about as edgy as wearing a comb-over"
  13. I think I made a poor decision regarding my choice of VC ysi mix exchange themes.
  14. Not that I would ever condone shoplifting, but if you do, snag me an 80gb video iPod while you're at it...ok?
  15. Glenn Danzig, but you may have to slouch.
  16. Hey! That's not what I said!!
  17. I'm going as Black Francis, circa 1990. Part of my schtick will involve screaming random Spanish words while handing out candy.
  18. I'd pay $120 to see Sam Cooke at the Harlem Square Club in 1963.
  19. Yep. This entire conversation scares me on a lot of levels.
  20. Did you use Policeman Lego guys as the Nazis too?
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