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Everything posted by Charli

  1. There was an article about The Room in EW a couple weeks back and just reading about all the celebrities like Paul Rudd and Kristen Bell that hold screening parties for it had me curious to see it. Apparently it really is such a train wreck unlike any other that you have to see it at least once. I may force JB to rent it one of these days.
  2. Esme isn't even on there. Weird thing is, since we had Esme we keep seeing the name in books and tv shows. AND two weeks ago actress Katey Sagal from Married with Children had a daughter and named her Esme Louise-which is our daughter's first AND middle names. We thought that very odd. No one in my family has any odd names, I come from hearty German and Irish Chicago stock and every name in my family is pretty normal and repeated quite often. I have four James's for cousins on one side alone. And my late uncle and grandfather. sheesh. Before we knew we were having a girl Josh was pi
  3. Hmm let me see if this works- This is Esme, who looks a LOT like her daddy, Josh B:
  4. Well the least he can do is wait at least til the day AFTER the show to make his appearance. Hell I don't even know if I'm coming now, I was sooo looking forward to it. Unfortunately little miss Esme won't go NEAR a bottle. So if something doesn't happen in the next ten days I'm missing this too which would suck something awful. My poor husband.
  5. See, now I'm thrilled beyond words about this. I loved his last album to pieces. Can't say a single bad thing about it. Solace, I haven't been around in a while so if there was a thread about JA I missed it, but tell me what it is about his new album that let you down? I've only heard a couple songs and snippets of others and can't really make up my mind yet. I'll pick it up this weekend to really figure this out. But I'm starting to feel "Redemptions" about it. Which isn't a good thing if you've ever heard me speak of my feelings for RS.
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