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Party @ the Moontower

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Everything posted by Party @ the Moontower

  1. So true. I fail to see how Obama is evil? Can someone explain that to me?
  2. We all know who has the oil and sweet healthcare. Let's kiss and make up, give us some oil since we are like, really close to you, and you can have Palin, McCain, and all the republicans you want to work hard at working hard for you.
  3. I don't know God, but I heard he gets really pissed off if you ignore him when he's speaking directly to you. The Republicans are just doing what he tells them to do.
  4. Since Canada is closer to me than Alaska, how about a trade? You keep Alaska and Palin.
  5. Am I the 1st one? Great idea by the way. If I had just said dildo instead of stinky dildo would that have made a difference? I mean't bobbob no harm. I dig the kid.
  6. Legalizing the stuff is a sweet way to boost the economy, and calm down the masses. With that said, I claim to have never..
  7. Thanks, I think. What's that smiley doing? Are there rules posted to the 24 hour time-out? I'm just glad it didn't happen when I needed a VC fix.
  8. Thinking of all the people and Animals seeking shelter from Ike...stay safe.
  9. Wow, I just realized I was grounded for 24 hours and didn't even know it cause I was @ the Lake without VC. Stinky dildo perhaps? Sorry Bobbob, I thought you could see it was sent with love.
  10. I'm ready Charlie I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink when your high, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission of getting high, the mission that we're on, reform of this country, getting high, and victory in the war, you can't blink.
  11. I can see the Milky Way from my hammock in Missouri. What does that qualify me for?
  12. Gina Gershon does Palin. I love this chick! http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/61410aa4ff
  13. I was out of town staying in a hotel & accidently caught the view, a show I normally never watch. It was so funny! I thought Whoopie was gonna pop McCain .
  14. I wonder who they would have picked of Clinton won? She'd eat Palin for breakfast day 1. She'd be allowed to girl punch & throw Palin's crap back, unlike Obama & Biden who don't want to appear sexist and insensitive. I think Obama would have it in the bag if he picked Hillary, although I have more respect for Biden, it would have been a dirty good move. Clinton would have done a fine job, but try to upstage Obama over time.
  15. Well, come visit me Jules and we can watch together. It's in my home state in less than a month, St. Louis to be exact. I was personally invited. We can watch a six-term senator & chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee, adored by many world leaders, with decades of public service & policy experience, take on a snotty small time mayor & first-term governor that hates dirty books but gives dirty looks.
  16. They should just ban pencils and pencil sharpeners anyway. You can so some serious damage with a pencil.
  17. By all means. I once gave you a new picture, what happened to that?
  18. It was the first time I really feared for the American future. I was very depressed because I had to move from Colorado to Missouri, no job, no mountains..feeling so sorry for myself. Really kicked my ass into reality. I think I watched it for days on end on Fox. Just like Katrina, I sat on the couch feeling helpless watching the tv. I don't personally know a single person who lost someone in 911, but I feel as if I do.
  19. It's almost tomorrow, Sept 11, my heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones on 9-11.
  20. Crying racism are we? Give me a flippin greasey stinky butt crack break. On that note, and your brilliant mind stink, I'm out of here. Play with someone else.
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