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Everything posted by choo-choo-charlie

  1. I’m so glad Jeff has retained the lead guitar part on this. Nels is amazing but Jeff has such incredible feel on this one. And his tone is just nasty. It sounds like rock ‘n roll from another planet.
  2. Locator, the most feel-good family-friendly Wilco song ever! It’s so menacing and intense.
  3. You always know Hummingbird is coming when Jeff goes guitar-less and removes his hat. Hope he does a little high step tonight. Class it up.
  4. They sound like a modern day version of The Band right this minute. I can close my eyes and imagine it’s The Last Waltz...minus the inter-band tension and illegal substances.
  5. I’d be dancing but I have a hot, sweaty dog weighing me down. She’s so not impressed with this display of sheer rock ‘n roll power.
  6. Been thinking on that pink SG and remembered seeing something on The Loft’s Instagram page. It’s actually an Abernethy, a manufacturer out of California; but it is basically the exact same cut as an SG. https://instagram.com/p/BatnVxiFzNg/
  7. There’s your IG! Love that Jeff is finally embracing the Strat again. Someone please pass the snacks.
  8. Nothing like Reservations to bring the volume down to zero. Please, St. Paul, no whistling or wooing for the next 4 minutes.
  9. HANDSHAKE DRUGS!!!! Love how Nels quotes “Marquee Moon” in his first lead guitar fill in this song. I’m getting another beer.
  10. I love Nels’ shimmering tremolo chords in “Someone to Lose,” and he and Pat’s screaming duel lead guitar. Throw in Jeff’s circular acoustic riff, a classic thumpy John bass line, Glenn’s swinging drums and Mikael’s organ stabs, and you’ve got a perfect Wilco dark pop song!
  11. Oh, hey everyone! Lying on the couch. Dog in my lap, beer in hand, show streaming from iPad into my TV. Love this arrangement of Misunderstood.
  12. That's been going on since it happened. Even in the IATTBYH film. It all depends on your point of view...
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