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Posts posted by stagerug

  1. I dont think that I've ever played a Blueridge guitar. Hey, if it sounds good to you, that's all that really matters, right? Post some pics. I like to live vicariously through other guitar purchases!


    I bought it! Playing while enjoying a couple of beers :beer . And my wife was totally cool with it! She likes it cuz she thinks its cute. :thumbup .


    This is quite an impressive little guitar. It really sings. And with the extra wide nut: perfect for fingerpicking.


    Great night. Blackhawks winning too. Gravy.


    I will post some pics soon.

  2. From self-described too stupid to be a doctor, clumsy strumming skiffler??, yet potentially successful germ and parasite researcher, to Aleister Crowley worshipping, backward satanic messsage tracking, accult loving, Black Dogging, greatest guitar player of all time being, super rock dudeness.


    Fuck Science.

  3. I had another question on this subject for you guys... In doing my research on my need for a 00 sized guitar, I have come to realize that it is going to be too expensive for me this year to buy (everything I want is at least 4K :o . SO... instead of saving up in advance for my 00, I am going to blow my stash on a parlor (0) sized guitar of more modest pricing. I have been looking around, and have settled on a surprisingly wonderful guitar for the money. It is a 0 Blueridge with sitka to and rosewood back and sides, ebony fretboard, and even abalone inlays. MAN, this thing sings for a little guitar. Anyway, I got the price down to $1000 cash out the door, including tax, set-up, new strings and a hard case.


    I pick it up on Wednesday, cuz he was going to do set-up and buff the body. So, I haven't paid for it yet, so it's not too late to back out! I wanted to see if any of you have any opinions on this guitar, or Blueridge in general. They seem to be vastly underpriced guitars for the nice solid wood construction.

  4. These are great shows for those that haven't attended. My wife and I have been quite a few times, and attended both shows last year. If you can make it... go. You won't regret it. Since my wife is out of town this weekend, my dad's watching the kids and I'm going gold circle all by myself... yeah...


    Hope to see a lot of VC'ers there!

  5. Yes, it is totally sublime. Did they do a version of this at the residency?



    They did not. They just did the Studio "LP's" if you will, and a couple Yankee out-takes, etc. God, that makes me sound older than I am, but you "catch my drift"... damn...

  6. IMHO... Avatar was unbelievably awesome in IMAX 3D. It wasn't just technological masturbation... it was a good, and BEAUTIFUL, movie. Art can be visually beautiful, and so can dialogue. This was more visual. That's OK. It still had a good story to tell. Hell, it created a whole world pretty well. Gotta count for somethin'. This is my favorite movie of the year, and I am surprised to say it, as it is SO hollywood.


    But I did see "Crazy Heart", and I loved it as well. It would be my second favorite film. It was very human and tells a good story as well.

  7. I'd go with a sandwich named "Panthers" made with bits of real panther... so you know it's good.


    Or a ill-prepared sammy of any provence, assembled without the use of necessary hair nets. Let's call it Bob Dylan's 49th Beard.


    Edit: Or if I'm going to be helpful on the matter. How about a larger than normal Reuben, with homemade rye bread and thousand island, grilled with clarified butter and name it "Impossible Germany"? Not that super clever... but sounds delicious.

  8. Great game and congrats to Canada. Proud of the USA youngsters for making it as far as they did. There aren't too many guys on the US team who would have made the Canada roster (if any!).



    Kane is the real deal... he is up there with some of the best.

  9. They arranged my numbers, didn't they? So Luongo (1) was first and Crosby (82) last. Toews was right in the middle.

    Toews was really, really good. I think the players I was most impressed with in the entire tournament were Toews, Kesler, Backes, Niedermayer, and Demitra. Of course, Miller and "Luongold" were really good too ;)


    Hope you all enjoyed the Winter Olympics, in my province. BC is a beautiful place, but remember there's more than just Vancouver!


    yeah, that actually makes sense :blush


    I didn't think of that... what a game.

  10. What a game!! I'm sad we (USA) lost, but considering how well we played against Canada (and the only team to beat them) we have nothing to be ashamed of. This is a game that Canada HAD to win... and they did, but what a ride! I am a little upset that Toews wasn't a little closer to the end of the medal line. He was the best player on the team for the tourney. I know Crosby is the national treasure, but Toews was better hands down.

  11. Ha - I remember that now. Thought the same thing. Gotta check out that article. I'll bet Meadow Soprano is mentioned.


    Also, we got this shirt (not the baby) in the mail from a friend last night, a pre-natal gift:





    No way... that is classic. How? I want one dammit.


    Meadow in her dorm room with her duetschebank Green Peace boyfriend? I remember some poster or gratuitous name drop of a band I liked at the time and cringing.


    Congrats, anyway!

  12. I find that the shorter scale and looser tension on the strings makes it a bit chunky, I dont know how to describe it, when I strum. I have to be a bit more controlled with strumming so I've been focusing on fingerpicking. I suppose that's pretty common with the shorter scale, 12 fret guitars?



    Yeah. I'm not the expert on gear, but that shorter scale and lessened tension doesnt react as well to a pick. You don't get that pushback from the strings that a pick needs. The pick kind of sticks to the stings on the lower tension. Makes it more reactive to lighter, touch hence the great compatibility to just your fingers! Prolly sounds nice strumming with just your thumb.


    I don't use a pick much anyway, but if you're going to dive into the fingerpicking fairly exclusively on that guitar, give the Martin Marquis Silk and Steel strings a try. They are nicely reactive to the touch and have a nice, even tone.

  13. I just got an 00-21 (martin) so that I can channel my inner Dylan. It's got an adi top and rosewood back/sides. I never considered myself a rosewood guy, but this baby just sings. Of course, the problem with this is that I now want a small bodied mahogany guitar too. Jeff's got a pretty sweet 0-18, of course. Crap!!


    Anyway, just weighing in with some love for the 0s and 00s of the world.



    Wow, Matt. This past year seems to have been good to you! Didn't you just fairly recently pick up a d-18 or something like that? Nice work. That's a nice looking guitar, and right up the alley of what I eventually want as well. What year did you get? Did you get it from that Maury's place too? If so, they must love you :lol


    I changed gears since I started this thread. I went with a OM style Blueberry in November instead and picked up an electric recently (Eastwood Airline 3P DLX)... ended up SAVING money from what I want... but no more guitars for me for a while.


    I've played quite a few small-bodied guitars over the last year or so, and I think when I have saved up enough nickels, I'm going with a Santa Cruz H-13.


    Enjoy it. Are you flatpicking with that one, or diving into fingerpicking?

  14. Try the good old Irish Whiskey named Clontarf. Good sipping whiskey. You should be able to find it if you look around.


    If you can find it, the best Irish Whiskey I have had is called Paddy's, but I've never seen it sold in the states, but you can get it online and it is not too expensive...worth it. I may order some today, even.


    As for scotch, I am very picky and only like what they call "peaty" types. I like the lighter ones, not the cask strength oaky types. I think they are gross. The one that I actually really like enough to have purchased a few times over is the Bruichladdich (Brook lah dick) Yellow Submarine.

  15. You know...there's no possible way,but I SWEAR I know you two. I mean, You guys look REALLY familiar.


    Maybe in a past life or...


    Did you guys ever take a plane flight from Australia to LA?


    I know there is no way as well, but I thought the same thing... then I realized that they (father and son that is ) look like FBI agent Albert Rosenfield (Miguel Ferrer, also of Alias fame) and Spawn looks like Arrested Development era Michael Cera...


    I mean that as a compliment and because it is exactly what I see... no disrespect.

  16. Awesome! Did you get one with a Bigsby or without? That thing looks positively amazing.


    WITH of course! It is the first Bigsby I have played. I love it... I had to change the strings on it though, cuz I didn't care for the ones on it, and WOW, that was a learning experience. That Bigsby creates a wholly unique set of stringing issues. Luckily I bought two sets. And thanks... it really is SO much prettier in person than in pictures. I was blown away.


    that's what I play. a LOUD amp.


    Do you like it?

  17. OK, so here is where I am at on my search. The earlier list went out the door. I ended up with an Eastwood Airline 3P DLX in Vintage Cream!! Hooda thunkit. I spent some time playing a quite a few different guitars of various providence, and I liked this one the best for the $$. It is a pretty guitar (much better looking in person than in pictures... at least more classy looking that you would think in person) and it sounds great to me...and seems versatile with the 3 humbuckers. Has a unique sound... and a chambered body, which I may have gravitated to because of my acoustic background. I am looking to pair it up with a Fender Bassman reissue, and have had a few bids on ebay, but no wins so far. I will keep you all posted! Thanks for the help.

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