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Posts posted by sonicshoulder


    Ah the old "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" republicans. So true. I can't think of a republican president or nominee in the past 20 yers who hasn't followed that model. Bush,draft dodging son of president. McCain,son of a 4 star admiral. Romney,another draft dodger and son of a CEO/governor. These are all people who have paved their own way. They didn't ask anybody for anything....oh wait they didn't have to.

  2. I was going to sit on the sidelines on this thread but we're several pages deep and I've yet to see Conner Oberst. He's been writing songs since he was about 12, literally. I know he can be polarizing in musical discussion but I personally think he's phenomenal. He plays any instrument,juggles numerous projects at once and is a lyrical genius. He may never have the commercial success of Neil and Dylan but then again very few do and in no way does a brilliant career require commercial success. He gets my vote.

  3. As cool as it would be, I don't think the Reds are going to the World Series.

    I don't see a critical playoff aspect that they are lacking. Of course anything can happen but they have put themselves in an excellent position to make a run. Their starting pitching is good,their bullpen is great, they have maintained despite losing Votto for over a month. Most importantly the intangibles that make playoff baseball teams, the beloved cagey veteran(Rolen), the autumn experienced manager, and most importantly the wirey utility guy who's beaten the odds(Todd Frazier). Of course they could lose every game from tomorrow on but this city is buzzing like only Cincinnati can when it comes to post season baseball, it's pretty exciting.

  4. I've begun preparing my wife for the reality that is the Reds are going to the World Series this year and I am prepared to pay what ever for tickets. Catch is, it starts a week before our third child is due to arrive. Baby boys in my family run big(I was 9lb15oz) and he could arrive early. I have wished her luck and told her to send me pics, we might even arrange some Skype or something.

  5. I completely understand that not voting is not the answer but either is contributing to something you don't believe in. I've just had it with picking the lesser of two evils. Last year I voted anti-Palin...not pro-Obama. I couldn't see the country being a McCain heart attack or stomach virus away from her being commander in chief. The vote before was for Kerry and a vote for damage control from Bush. I've yet to really love a presidential candidate since I was able to vote and with the two parties getting more extreme each year it doesn't look like I'm going to. If I don't vote this year it will be the first time for me in a presidential election and I won't feel guilty.

  6. You are right there. In addition there is no difference between the two. People need to escape the two party, left/right paradigm or we will all be screwed (we are already)...






    Well done. It amazes me that America has been strong armed into only having two options for the leader of our country for all these years. I'd also love to see these guys get one shot, single term. Give em six years if we need to but this 3 year campaign every incumbent runs while in office is a serious waste of our time and money. Also if your voting straight down one party your probably being fooled and consider yourself a pawn.

  7. I guess if everybody gave up believing in our government the way I have this country would really go to shit, so for that I applaud everyone participating in this thread. I'm not a conspiracist....I don't think there is some secret society running the country, I just believe that the number of politicians who are driven by greed and ego far outweigh the number who actually react for the benefit of the country. Partisanship has taken this country to a place that I'm not sure it can recover from without an all out class war. America was built on greed and ego but that fervor was directed towards other global powers that were a threat, not fellow Americans. All great societies eventually succumb to the same faults and we're well on our way. Fox and MSNBC among others of course are only fanning the flames and create one hell of a diversion. As lower and middle class people argue and divide over things like gay marriage and gun laws the suits in Washhington are all probably tipping their brandy glasses to each other with a wink as they count their money.

  8. If you don't see this as "an issue concerning athletics" you would make one hell of a defense attorney. An athletics coach was having sex with children and two other athletics coaches were allowing it in the team's facilities. Is it x's and o's no....is it athletic related absolutley. This is not the first time the NCAA has acted regarding off the feild issues. I'm not in the NCAA's corner but they have been judge and jury for a long time, this is nothing new.

  9. I'll go to SI.com's Stewart Mandelagain:


    I'm sure this writer is a really nice guy but has never had to repeatedly walk by a statue of someone who knew his children were being raped and did nothing about it. With all due respect orange what do you think would be a proper punishment for an institution that covered up child molestation and rape all the way up the ranks to president?

  10. I'm really glad everyone is now concerned with protecting the university who's president and head coach facilitated a couple decades of child abuse...where were these bleeding hearts when schools were getting shut down for slipping a couple hundred bucks to a recruit.

  11. To me, it's more of an institutional issue that just so happens to involve the head football coach and a former assistant. It isn't an athletics issue, which is why I question the NCAA's involvement in any kind of sanctions against the football program.


    For instance, if this had all happened in the back rooms of the Penn State Creamery, would the entire ice cream making department be shut down? Or if this had happened with the head of the theater department (if they have one), would that entire section of the school be shut down?


    I agree, the president of a university not only allowing but facilitating a pedophile to sodomize numerous 12 year olds on school property is an institutional issue.

  12. How is this even an NCAA issue? It's heinous. It's horrible. It's completely outside the jurisdiction of the NCAA. Any punishment should be solely directed at the parties involved. And the prestige of the program is already tarnished. Punishing the current football program only punishes innocents. What would that accomplish?


    Rarely on the college level does a suspension effect the people who caused it....they are usually long gone. If your going to impose sanctions on universities for covering up free tatoos you should probably address decades of child rape swept under the rug.

  13. pres·ent


    adj \ˈpre-zənt\



    1: now existing or in progress


    2: a : being in view or at hand

    b : existing in something mentioned or under consideration


    3: constituting the one actually involved, at hand, or being considered


    4: of, relating to, or constituting a verb tense that is expressive of present time or the time of speaking


    5: obsolete : attentive


    6: archaic : instant, immediate


    This guy!!!!!!!!

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