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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. Well, I heard ole Via Chicago put her down Well, I hope Via Chicago will remember A Ford Truck Man
  2. another thread on this topic
  3. Trailer Park Best Bit Central Reservation Daybreaker The Other Side of Daybreak Comfort of Strangers
  4. I know the interview you mean - I think I have it here somewhere.
  5. Shit - that is bad. I am known as a joker to most everyone in real life. I don't subscribe to the dude's put-on beliefs - but I watch his stuff from time to time and laugh at some of it.
  6. I think he is - and I suspect others out there do also.
  7. He is a drum master though - I have never denied that. I have been listening to Rush since about 1978 or so I think.
  8. Tour Edition cds - even worse. And I also will not buy stuff more than once to get bonus discs - the hell with that. Cds are on the way out anyhow.
  9. You think? Worse than the racist humor of Dave Chappelle?
  10. I know a few years ago when this was ready to go - he got upset because someone figured out how to rip dvds - maybe he is trying to figure out a new way to make them secure.
  11. So did Son Volt - yes? It's a common thing now - just like dvds with cds. It's a way to get people to buy cds I think.
  12. I would think ratings have something to do with it. I bet the Bon Jovi episode gets big numbers for them - it's on Vh1 this weekend I think.
  13. Murray, we have to be nice. - your friend, Carvelli.
  14. Someone with mad skillz should make that look like the Monkeemobile with Wilco on the side and whatnot.
  15. Places to check: Bt.etree Tape City - was Boot City The Traders Den Dime A Dozen Pure Live Gigs
  16. Do you really want to make me cry?
  17. 1990 No Depression 1991 Still Feel Gone 1992 March 16-20, 1992 1993 Anodyne (Sire/Reprise)
  18. VH1 Rock Doc: Monterey 40 - on now other show times
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