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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. It may have been in Canada or the UK or something. I use to have Hawks & Doves and Re-Ac-Tor on cassette - so they were in print that way back in the 80s at least.
  2. A couple pages containing various threads that may answer your question.
  3. So, that was Ben's father in the van Hurley found.
  4. My Italian boss use to have a great way of dealing with people he did not want in the place - he would grab hold of them and toss them out the door.
  5. I have both - which I ripped from vinyl. You can find these om certain BitTorrent sites - use the search function.
  6. here is a trailer for one of the films
  7. This week's screencaps.
  8. When Jerry sings that headlight line - you can feel it. Which is why that is real music - and other stuff is other stuff.
  9. I quit buying that magazine last year some time - nothing but another magazine with a bunch of short articles + now they have features on what sandals one should buy.
  10. Yes, I have that one. I really like that verison of I Know You Rider.
  11. That is what I like to listen to also - particularly the acoustic stuff.
  12. Well, that was Paul getting his revenge on Phil Specter. I think I like that version better though - it was probably at least close to what the Glynn Johns version would have been.
  13. As far as I know, they are all still in print.
  14. Now - I wonder how many there were in say, 1968 or whatever.
  15. I don't think I bought many 45s back in the day - I still have them - mostly, they were given to me. For example, Satisfaction/The Under Assistant West Coast Promo Man - given to me by a neighbor when I was 12 years old. I have never bought a 7 inch or whatever it is called - I suppose where I come from we were interested in the whole album type of deal. I don't recall anyone getting worked up over B-sides or non-album tracks. Probably, just the way things were. Of course, with the advent of re-issues, I am now of course, interested in b-sides and non-album tracks and whatnot. This falls into
  16. Of course, when I speak of the music business, I am talking about the lowest common denominator stuff - Nickelback, Britney Spears, etc. I am talking about when these things were an automatic promotional tool - not an ego-let's-be-cool-and-release-something- on-vinyl-so-someone-with-a-messenger-bag-can-look-cool-type of deal. It would be interesting to know how many vinyl pressing plants there are in this country - not many, would be my guess. I don't think I have seen an actual vinyl 45 in a record store since the mid 1980s.
  17. You are telling me that major label bands release new singles on vinyl 45's?
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