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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. read through this thread I would like the admins to share their views about posting whole shows/boots in Mp3 format on Via Chicago.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/documentaries/ BBC radio is the only internet radio I listen to these days. There is a lot of good stuff on there.
  3. Bands do this all the time now - they will probably get some dude who sings and acts like Paul Weller.
  4. I see - I was just thinking off the top of my head. I don't think I have ever heard a song by The Jam.
  5. He'll probably join in - once the $$$$ gets bigger.
  6. Let's talk about that thing you mentioned - sometime. Maybe we could get the dudes who run this place to ban whole shows or whatever being put up in Mp3 - that in a non-private manner.
  7. They could get Ian - he just quit The Doors - or maybe Paul Rodgers after the Queen tour.
  8. I like several of the songs on the Lucinda Williams (1988) album - but the music is generic as hell. I suppose she will never top Car Wheels On A Gravel Road.
  9. I think I have heard that there is - but I don't have it.
  10. I think he means the songs he has on his website - or least I hope that is what he ment.
  11. Mp3's are lossy - Maybe some taper could answer the question -
  12. Good question - from what I have seen - it is people making the choice Maybe the people that "run" this place could speak their mind. I do know that Mp3 tracks were not allowed on the VC BT when it was operational - which is keeping with what I have seen out there.
  13. See - here is a good example of what I was talking about. I know many people got those files from me over the last year - and no one steps up to help this dude out.
  14. If people can't do the BT or convert the FLAC deal - they should stick to the old way of B&P. People seem to have next to no patience these days - I wonder why that is. I was looking around at some other boards earlier and noticed some of them have a post no Mp3 tracks policy - they have a very thriving B&P system as a result. I tried to be cool and just share some mostly non-live stuff - I like to share - but no more Mp3. I will gladly walk anyone through converting FLAC files if they want me to help them. That is how I learned - I asked questions, dug around in google, etc.
  15. It's not that sort of trip - he is fooling around -check it out for yourself.
  16. Massey Town Hall promo more info and links from Thrasher's Wheat
  17. Maybe someone who grabbed these from me the other day could help the dude out. I don't have the links or the mp3s anymore - send it to him privately - that would be cool.
  18. Some more thoughts - For those who want mp3s of (supposed) SOUNDBOARD shows - join one of the illegal BT sites - I see them on there all the time. And people can bitch all they want - not one gives a fuck. You should check out how much effort the people who run bootcity and dime a dozen put into what goes on there - amazing. Converting FLAC: I learned how to do this stuff at the age 39-40-41 - I am sure other folks can handle it. What these tapers are doing, and those who pass on their efforts are doing, is in fact - preserving history. or put it yet another way - Say someone p
  19. I disagree - and if you do some research, you may change your mind. Again, if it did not matter, then all the BT sites that cater to taper friendly bands would be full of Mp3 torrents.
  20. N.B. not N.I.B. My thinking was a bit fouled as to it being ok to put up studio boot tracks in Mp3 - As I said, some people straightened me out on that.
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