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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Well saxophones are evil, they promote listening to jazz and playing jazz, both of which are money draining highly addictive habits that have a chance of leading white guys towards middle aged habits like wearing their hair in ponytails, wearing funky berets, and having big guts. I'd say Wilco is spot on the money withdrawing that song. It's evil, just evil.
  2. So, I'm not usually one to post a vibes request, but I'd like to request some VC vibes for a friend from Grinnell--especially as he is from Chicago and I know a lot of you are from that area. Anyway, Paul Shuman-Moore was a friend and classmate of mine who loved good music and played really interesting/challenging material. He went missing late last Sunday night, and despite searches by his family, the students here at Grinnell, and police/fire services in Grinnell and Iowa he has not been found. Nobody is suspecting foul play of any kind, but obviously people don't just go missing from eve
  3. Condolences, Jeff and family, losing a loved one is always a very difficult thing to have to go through. My thoughts go out to you. Eric
  4. Personally I can't really stand the Scissor Sisters. So for me Jenny Lewis>Scissor Sisters.
  5. I'd suggest some phentermine and then maybe a nap.
  6. That's a new one. But good luck with that
  7. Any state that allows guns, but not dildos has it's priorities in all the wrong places List of states I don't plan on moving to anytime soon: Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama and Texas...oh and South Dakota because of it's abortion laws (not that I was eager to move there before). Keep yer laws off people's bodies!
  8. So, my morning class is all cancelled and stuff!
  9. Soup can rule big time...especially at night. I am about to stay up later than I should and maybe have a bite to eat if I can scrounge up some food...
  10. Could be better. But I'm off to play a short show tonight, so that should be sweet.
  11. Who knew cow's skulls weren't really plastic? I guess you learn something everyday.
  12. Well, can't really argue with that! Maybe if I had a totally rad analog synth I'd pull that off too. Yeah, pretty awful. [soapbox] There are too many guns in this world. The suspect was identified as a homeless man, and given the prevelance of mental health issues among the homeless it wouldn't suprise me at all if that was a part of this. If that is the case, I really hope that this serves as a reminder of why this country needs a better social services network and needs to get people help before tragedies happen. [/Endsoapbox]
  13. Why didn't the keyboard player just get a stand, that's hilarious.
  14. I'll second that...even if it does contain those suggestive smileys.
  15. I'm seeing them Friday and I'm excited like this: I only have Feast of Wire, but I've heard a handful of things off the new album, and either way have heard they put on a fantastic show.
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