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Everything posted by quarter23cd

  1. It wasn't all that harsh, I don't think. Wasn't all he said something like "Was it about the drugs or was it about the music?" Which is actually a pretty fair question coming from somebody who is not a fan and only really knows them by reputation. That said, I have said about a million times that Ship of Fools is right in Jeff's wheelhouse. Probably Loser or Deal, too. Of course, if they really wanted to make me pee my pants, John could drop a Phil-bomb into The Other One coming out of the "noise" at the end of Handshake Drugs. That would be pretty rad. But I'm not sure Wilco has tha
  2. I have heard this, too, but won't fully believe it until I hear the record. Aside from some of the Lillywhite/Busted material, they have had a pretty dreadful decade in the studio. Even though I "gave up on them" sometime in the late '90s, I guess I still keep an ear out for them and would be happy to see a return to non-suckitude. Not holding my breath, but it could happen.
  3. I think this is being written into the Jay Bennett Bailout Package. In other news, I strained something in my neck this morning when I sneezed. True story.
  4. Yeah, there's some truth to that. My teen years were spent pretty equally divided by twirly hippie stuff and angsty punk, my twenties were pretty much dominated by self-serious indie stuff that seemed to get just a little bit less fun and interesting to me every year. So far my thirties have been spent not giving a crap about labels, revisiting things I thought I had long ago left behind and maybe exploring a few musical alleyways I had overlooked in the past...but I have definitely noticed an increasing disconnect from New music. I'm still paying attention, but absolutely, the shine does g
  5. Maybe so. Maybe not. Definitely, mainstream pop music is more overtly corporate now than at any time in my lifetime. I'm astounded by stuff like Idol or Disney-manufactured pop not so much that it exists--the industry has "created" stars like this forever, but rarely so transparently. Its the chutzpah of creating TV shows to put a spotlight on that fact that they know the masses will buy whatever they tell them to that is jaw-dropping to me. But, whatever. I'm not sure that's even relevant to what we're talking about here, since I'm assuming we're talking about more underground stuff.
  6. Misunderstood Hell Is Chrome Mountain Bed (this belongs to Woody, I guess) Sunken Treasure (too obvious) Dreamer In My Dreams (hells yes, because this song has never gotten enough love)
  7. Well, I didn't really mean don't take it seriously. I think I meant keep an open mind. Keep hope alive. Give peace a chance. You know, stuff like that. Or you could just go listen to Motorhead instead.
  8. I'll go on record saying I have no beef with the DMB. I was a local in VA who knew of them way before they blew, so yeah, to me it kind of stopped being fun once the shows were suddenly in arenas with crappy sound and, yeah, the crowd got sketchy.(arguably, the same thing happened on a smaller scale with Wilco after YHF) I never had a problem with the band, though, aside from the fact that I think their music suffered after they tasted pop-stardom and they've tried too hard to keep one foot in that vein, at least on record. I haven't seen a DMB show since 97 or so. After a decade off, thou
  9. Yay for cysts!!! Yay for strange and vaguely uncomfortable compliments!!
  10. I haven't picked up the live version of this yet, though I will go out on a limb and say that Warpaint clicked for me better than anything they've done since Amorica.
  11. My dad worked for NASA. It was pretty sweet when he set up that wormhole in the backyard for my 10th birthday party. Thanks, dad!
  12. Wait--nobody in the SEC recruited anybody from Kentucky or Arkansas? (not even those states' schools)
  13. Wow, that does look kind of strange on paper (err, screen). What was the second set?
  14. Is Martial Law the reason we can't PM anymore?
  15. When I saw Ratdog a couple summers ago, Liberty was the only song all night that Bobby didn't speak-sing his way through--he really went all out on it. So for at least one night Liberty seemed the most rocking song ever.
  16. They just put up a poster with this exact phrase in the restroom where I work. Well, maybe not the exact phrase, but the sentiment is similar.
  17. I had a Grand Am that I drove the crap out of and left for dead near 200K miles a couple years ago (it probably could have lasted longer, but I was starting not to trust it merely by reputation alone--the voices inside my head kept reminding me I was driving a GM car that had already outlived its life-expectancy). It was my first new car that I bought myself. I'm not saying it was perfect--in fact, I'm pretty sure the ridiculously non-ergonomic seat has caused some long-term spinal damage, but that kind of stuff builds character. American character.
  18. Now that sounds interesting. I just got the To Terrapin release last week. I like it a lot, but I do have to admit that I still haven't figured out what it is about spring of '77 that gets people speaking in hushed tones. Its good, but at times seems to lack some punch--to my ears, at least. It is fascinating how everyone has different eras that speak to them more than others.
  19. Pigs are larger and more fatty than birds, therefore their flu is deadlier and tastier. As for the way people are reacting to this with humor, I don't think anyone really knows how to react until we wait and see how this thing plays out. There's a whole lot of OMFG!!! out there right now that feels kind of over the top, but hey, you never know.
  20. This was my thought, too. The first story seems far more deserving of the OMG treatment.
  21. I could go for a killer Other One>Bongos>Space>Morning Dew right about now.
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