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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. while i agree in theory, it's never that simple. the are very few 'freedoms' w/ universal definitions that EVERYBODY is in agreement with... for example: freedom of speech, unless you are saying something i don't want to hear.
  2. Checkbook Diplomacy - 'John Allen (hurler)' 1) Jim Rose Circus 2) West Township, Columbiana County, Ohio 3) Bali Communique 4) Shiwa Ngandu 5) Disaggregated Sovereignty 6) Whirligig 7) Kira tto Kaiketsu! 8) On Overgrown Paths 9) Winx 10) List of people from Lincoln, Nebraska 11) Pilotbird 12) Swashplate (helicopter) swedish death metal glitch-pop w/ pro-lesbian overtones you can dance to. we also occasionally perform in blackface and provide the soundtrack to the new VW TV ad campaign.
  3. as current law allows that i can, additional ripple effects as jude described and your suggesting that option be taken away...fundamentally, yes. i choose not to drive one...but that's my choice. while i'm not completely opposed to having certain rules & regs placed on manufacturers that protect consumers/residents/etc., i also don't find the comparisons to handguns, lead paint, etc. to be apples/apples either. on one hand, you're saying everybody should 'get creative, use our ingenuity and sense of civic duty to make some much needed changes' (which i'm down with) and, on the other, y
  4. I fully endorse that post. I remember that version of A Christmas Carol being a holiday staple for much of my youth...even more so than Wonderful Life. That said, we watch Wonderful Life every year and it never gets old... #3: Santa Claus vs. The Martians (MST3K Version)
  5. i like L7, but that ain't anything like L7 and, they are kind of cute in that video...but recently i find them nowhere near 'hot'. i dunno, i just find them tepid and annoying...but that's just me.
  6. no, you pretty much put words in my mouth. i agree w/ everything you've said...i was merely trying to put some tangible discussion points to the discussion. there is a tendency to make things sounds like the entire population there are unfairly being held and that's not true, either. okay, i also don't see how releasing ten that are guilty versus just validating the release of the one make sense either. bottom line, none of this is that cut and dry...armchair quarterbacking.
  7. i don't think you're a troll by any means of the popular definition, but i would submit that reality doesn't = right. i'm no winger right or left...i believe we have an inept administration that is doing a lot stupid and unsavory stuff, but taking it to the point that i even remotely endorse/kind of like a dictator just because they stand up to the US (aka 'The Bad Guys') is silly.
  8. no, i pretty make take issue w/ the whole enchilada.
  9. here's the funny thing, i find that song annoying and yet find myself in awe/respect of it's poppiness.
  10. sit through this whole video and tell me how annoying THAT tune is.
  11. can be, but that doesn't change the fact that the dog bit really isn't that funny.
  12. For the record, mine are in no particular order...they just happen to be the 10 i liked best.
  13. i never got around to seeing that one. i'm sensing i shouldn't bother.
  14. i know. cool. i'm okay w/ them not staying completley on point w/ the comic book version of the origin. accent is irrelevant to me if it's cool looking enough and the conflict is well put-together story-wise.
  15. I really like the version in that Justice series... ...the bloody rubber gloves, scalpel, monkey, etc. Creepy good. really though, i think you could have more fun w/ a bizzaro...some interesting story possibilities. oi. that just made me think of the horrible supergirl movie for some reason. that was a stinker.
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