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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. i like to think that the highlight of an MTV Cribs featuring Nels Cline, would be a tour of his closet full of the same silk Chess King shirt in every color of the spectrum.
  2. like Sir S said, i can totally understand the annoyance...but the edge really has put some of my favorite guitar work ever on tape. i still get chills listening to some tracks.
  3. pretty much. i'll just oversimplify it and say i have no problem w/ anybody denying the existence of god or disagreeing w/ the pillars of any faith/religion whatsoever...i just have a problem w/ someone being judgemental or intolerant towrds these things because...they...don't...like...how...people...who...do...are...judgemental and intolerant. seriously though, the whole comment on the curtailing of civil rights really is frightening. equal rights...as long as they equal what i want them to be. it's happening on both wings too.
  4. same exact health care or just some form of health care in general? a slippery slope for me...my brother has stayed in his current job for over a year, longest he's ever stuck w/ anything...predominantly because of the health care.
  5. right on. some people used the lack of any specific condemnation of slavery as support and that makes the book itself intolerant. i still fault man in that case, not the book itself. besides, getting to the root of your issue w/ the belief that there is an actual god...as god himself didn't write the book, using it as a silver bullet against or to discount my belief seems a red herring (or mackarel). some people may look at the book as the absolute word of god, i don't. i view it as someone's interpretation of the word of god coming through them. considering you are talking w/ me, lets use tha
  6. agreed...still doesn't answer what you think of the new cult album, danzig.
  7. I agree. There are no absolutes on either side...but you'd never know that listening to either 'wing'. personally, i think it's okay that there are 'haves' and 'have nots'...or, rather, 'have nots because they won't make the effort to get'. providing the same exact thing for everybody across the board will be the downfall of civilization, plain and simple.
  8. while i would never personally disagree w/ a popular distinction between the two...due to the bolded part above...the end result makes any sort of slur counter-productive to co-existence and serves no purpose other than putting yourself above someone. so, yes, TDW is convinced that he doesn't think he's "above" believers in god, and i'm convinced that he does think he's above believers in God despite what he says.
  9. the bible, based on the way some people choose to interpret it, can be viewed as intolerant. is the oweness of these issues you take w/ christianity on man or god/the bible? should we abolish both versus trying to foster a dilaogue of understanding between opposing viewpoints. you are all about accountability for one's personal beliefs...why take issue w/ the bible or concept of god itself?
  10. I think you're missing his point...some people don't even try to get the things that ARE available for everybody to just go out and get for themselves. There are definite extremes at both sides of that debate, but there is creedence somewhere in the middle.
  11. okay. jules: now, as I was talking to you about your belief on how it's okay to 'belittle' me...answer me this, is there a difference between a white supremisicst using the word 'nigger' and a black man using the word 'nigger'?
  12. or, whether he believes it or not, god is someone i have a relationship with...a very strong relationship with on par w/ that of my wife and children. i wouldn't stand for anybody to insult them, why would this be any different? to clarify...joking around about, i can handle and think god can too. he has to have a sense of humor. disrepecting is something completely different. finding a belief ridiculous...a lot different than constantly telling someone their belief is ridiculous.
  13. so, if you call my best friend/girlfriend/wife/child a 'nigger' or 'kike'...i'm not supposed to feel insulted?
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