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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. okay, i'll bite...i find it derogatory because you are using the phrase to belittle my intellignece via my belief in it. again, that's not what you're trying to do? please answer w/ a straight yes or no.
  2. No blood, no foul my man. I undertsand that in some communities, the constant bombardment of said beliefs to the point of infringement on personal time and space, could really sully your overall view towards things. You are going to find people in any sort of group that have the potential to give it a bad name...it's hard sometimes not to let it be representative of the whole in our minds. If we don't try, however, we're just as bad anyone who stereotypes people based on skin color or sexual preference. That was my point.
  3. not to mention the discussion of biomass, bullshit, ric flair and mchris's taut ass are all off topic and could result in this thread being locked.
  4. A-man, c'mon', have I ever once tried to force my religious beliefs on you? Is the issue that they are forcing their religious beliefs or just forcing their beliefs on you? What if someone was going door to door to campaign for a law or candidate that you supported yourself...but you neighbor didn't? Forcing your opinions or beliefs as absolute fact on anybody...disrespectfully attacking their intellectual capacity if they don't ascribe to your views be they religious, political, artistic, etc....it's intolerance no matter what wing you lean towards. jnick, you are doing an awful lot of ba
  5. again, i could ask the same of you...you seem to be able to discount the intellectual capacity of anybody whose beliefs have both spirituality and science combined. much like Mr. Gore, who (correct me if i'm wrong) is a christian himself. i'm just interested in your stance...would the world be a better place if we completely abolished the pratice of spirituality/religion/faith? i guess i just feel there is good and bad in everything if you look hard enough. killings in the name of religion are horrible, but the charitable efforts in the same name are wonderful. science providing cures to di
  6. i giggled when i read 'dropping balls' in ikols post.
  7. and dennis quaid got nothing. it's enough to test my faith.
  8. the topless lady with the snakes on her head that turned dudes to stone?
  9. zacheus. the catchiness of the sunday school song about him is on par w/ peter, bjorn and john's 'young folks'. my next three choices, in no particular order...Shadrach, Mesach, Abednago.
  10. quick question...do you believe in faith or any sort or do you make each and every decision based on proven scientific fact? how many scientific theories have proven to be the same?
  11. KISS - Rock and Roll Over First album I bought by the first band I was really 'into'. They were superheroes to me. Beatles - 1962-1966 I always enjoyed the Beatles as a kid, but this was my first actual Beatles LP...my Dad just brought it home for me one day. De La Soul - 3 Ft. High & Rising While 'Paul's Boutique' ranks right up there in my tops of all time, this album showed me how amazing hip-hop music could be. Replacements - Pleased to Meet Me My gateway into what I consider the greatest American rock band in history. Wilco - Summerteeth What I still consider the one of the mo
  12. what the hell am I supposed to do? i believe in skygod. science bad. uggah buggah. all i can offer up is this SAB: ... and
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