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Posts posted by danelectro

  1. After watching it I have a better understanding of why Jeff was so irritated by the "talkers" on that tour. I was irritated before the first song was over.


    Anyway, is the DVD High Def? I assume it's 7.1 HD and all the good stuff but I can't find anything in the product details on Amazon.

  2. I love my YCV40 so I know what you mean :). I actually haven't had much time to break in my Valve Junior but I plan to get rowdy with it this coming weekend


    Speaking of pushing air, has anyone seen or actually played the ZVex Nano. At .5W, yep it's whopping 1/2 watt, this little amp kicks serious ass. I saw a demo video of a guy running one through a 4x12 cab. It was freakin' loud and had god like tone.



    This little guy here.



  3. Save your money and buy the Epiphone Valve Junior. At $99 it sounds freakin' killer and you'll have enough left over to buy a few nifty boutique stomp boxes to put in front of it. This amp is unreal for the money. You can also mod it fairly easy.


    That or get the Traynor YCV40. It is powerful but it sounds really good at low volumes. The overdrive is more like a clean boost, perfect for cutting through and it gets a great classic tube tone.

  4. i'm in the same boat with thr albums you mentioned above. there's something in the sound on HOTH that puts me off. however, presence has a great atmosphere to it - as does physical graffiti, which sounds totally different and was only one year earlier.


    and yep, your username does hint that you're a zep fan :lol


    Hehe, yes and no. Due to Page I eventually played and collected dano's for a while. But when I selected the name it was for lack of a better idea. I no longer own any Danelectro guitars :(.

  5. LZ are the one band I never get sick of, them and Sabbath. I really like all their stuff but if I had to pick a fave it would be Presence. Not only do I love the songs but I think that was Jimmy's guitar playing peak. That and I love the way he sounds playing a Strat. But I also like his playing on In Through The Out Door, minimalistic but very tasty. The album I almost never play is HOTH.


    With all the live video stuff that's been coming out of the woodwork it's really got me back in to full time Zep mode again. I just love to watch Jimmy play. People can gripe all day about him being sloppy I just think it rocks.


    Yeah I'm a fan boy.

  6. That last Son Volt disc blew away anything Farrar has done post-Tupelo. What exactly don't people like about Melody of Riot?? To me it is just a perfect disc.


    I suppose it depends who you ask. Personally I was done with "Melody" pretty fast. I don't think it's a bad album by any means but it just didn't hold my attention for long. If I had to make personal best of Jay list that disc would be at the end. Which really doesn't mean jack, it's just my opinion. Stranger yet is I love both Terroir Blues and Sebastopol.

  7. I actually put mine to use last weekend. I decided to record a hard rock version of the Law And Order theme. The ebow worked great for some feedback in between the more melodic guitar parts. Once I redo a some guitar stuff I'll post it here.

  8. Not a big surprise to me. I was at the 08/12 show and Marc was struggling through the set. More than half the show went by while he and the crew messed around with his rig. When he did finally sort it out he seemed off kilter. As this was happening the BC's just played on seemingly never missing a beat, it was like he was outside of the band. NBD for me, I love Marc's playing but he doesn't seem to be able to keep it together for very long. Personally I liked Audley Freed, here's to hoping he steps back in.

  9. P8300004.jpg


    My "new" 1996 Fender Mustang. I just got it back from the tech yesterday. I bought it on craigslist for $250. It was abused, needed some fret work, one switch was smashed and hanging loose in the body cavity. The previous owner had spilled something on and into the guitar and it was real smelly. I disassembled it, cleaned it up and took it in for a level and crown. Now with a fresh set up it's ready to go. Plays real nice too. I love the tone, this guitar has serious mojo. I played it for a few hours last night, recorded some solos over some blues backing tracks and it just sounded so beautiful. Great soulful blues axe.

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