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Posts posted by danelectro

  1. I was half-afraid that a studio record with Nels on it would de-evolve into a clusterfuck of crazy noodling and eight minute long instrumentals.


    I had similar "fears", from the minute Nels came on board I thought the band was heading in that direction. Then BAM comes SBS. Honestly this is the record I always hoped Wilco would make, classic classic rock without sounding like a retro act or ripping any one band.


    As for the Jay Bennett thing, Jay brought alot to the band and IMO the albums he had a hand in are still the "best". With just one album under his belt I'm not going to say Nels is some kind of Wilco savior though he certainly brings great stuff to the band. His playing on SBS is just great, at times he sounds like George Benson and Jimmy Page, on the same song. Truely amazing stuff.

  2. I've probably listened to it 10 times since last night. At first it sounded pretty mellow but after a few spins it's starting to sound a little edgy, the guitar bursts jump out a little more after I became familiar with the songs. I don't have anything to compare it to, the only song from this album I've heard before was a version of Walken I saw on youtube.


    I love the album, it's like the anti mainstream indie record. I dig that it has a 70's vibe. It really isn't owing to any one artist though you can hear snippets of all things classic rock in it, to me it draws from everything of that era. It took me a while to get into AGIB, this record sounded good from the first 10 seconds.


    It's funny that people expect more experimentaion from a band like Wilco. Just because they used a few synths here and there they have always been more rootsy than anything. I don't think this album is a step back or forwards for them, just another Wilco album. Any of these songs wouldn't be out of place on their other albums.

  3. AGIB







    i think leave me (like you found me) is the first wilco song thats actually "sucked" since AM. other than that, the album has some great songs, but on the whole its just ok.


    AM sucks? :no

  4. That they are able to pull off a classic rock album in 2007 is freakin' cool. All the songs are great. I still don't know the names of some of the them but I really like Either Way and Sky Blue Sky. I was pretty sure I wasn't going to like this album. My fear was there would be too much Nels Cline on it but he plays beautifully on it. I love that they twang again on this, it's the perfect mix of new Wilco and older Wilco.


    This should be the album that keeps people happy, old fans and new fans alike. However if I could make a change it would be to add one really raucous rocker.

  5. the high heat is from the wilco book cd. basically just "outtakes" from the agib sessions (there may be a better way to describe it than outtakes). there are a couple or three memorable/listenable songs on it. the rest are the beginning of "conversations" that evolve into songs to be found on agib. pretty neat, but def. for fans only.


    can be found at you friendly neighborhood bittorrent site.


    Ah yes thanks. I've held that book in my hands a few times but couldn't choke the $30 to buy it. Was a time I bled Wilco but I kind of lost interest after YHF. By the time AGIB came out I had moved on. Something drew to me VC today and I'm glad I came, the new songs roped me back in to Wilco.

  6. another note: these songs fit right in with The high Heat and Panthers. I made a make shift mix to keep myself busy:


    You Are My Face


    Either Way

    The High Heat


    Long Time Ago

    Radio King

    When The Roses Bloom Again (Wilco version)

    Won't Let You Down

    Alone (alternate version)

    Venus Stop The Train

    Walk On (Neil Young cover)

    Not for the season.


    What's The High Heat? I've been away from Wilco for a long while.



    I honestly just cannot connect with these songs

    it seems like wilco lost their depth

    i don't think they're bad, but when i listen to you are my face and put on muzzle of bees, panthers, or i am trying to break your heart, i think "wow, now this is beautiful." These songs are just songs, to me. And god, that damn organ, and the intermittent farting nels solos make me cringe.

    And i do agree with all the criticisms of walken.

    The one thing i absolutely adore about the new songs is how the instruments sound, and the warm and "in your ear" production - just the sound of the piano and the guitars. And jeff's voice really does sound great now.


    Those "farting" solos are Jeff.

  7. I think this record is going to be the best thing Wilco has ever done, Either Way is by far the best of the 3 IMO. So far the 3 songs have a cool feel and after repeated listens I'm picking up a '73 era Stones or Faces vibe. I know there will be a few rockers on the album, maybe not by most peoples standards. It just sounds great to me. It took me a while to appreciate AGIB but these songs hit home from the first listen. Today was actually the first time I've heard any of it. I haven't heard any Wilco at all since they last played Red Rocks, besides what I hear on the radio.

  8. - "...this is some Randy Newman horse shit. And then you've got the organs in the background that make me cringe because they remind me of Fastball, and the intermittent explosively diarrhetic guitar solos from the guy who looks like David Bowie, and you just know he's playing them with like a shish-kebob skewer and a mannequin leg." [Wolf Notes]

    - "Out of the three tracks, 'You Are My Face' is my favorite and I think it gives a good idea of the sound that this record is going to explore. It has that warm folk/country sound that attracted me to Wilco in the first place mixed with some punchy guitar parts thrown in to keep things interesting." [Music For Kids Who Can't Read Good]

    - "It's more great countrypolitan rock with searingly emotional lyrics from one of America's best bands." [Prefix]

    - "I'm a little worried that I might hear these songs in a couple years on the softrock station my dentist plays." [idolator commenter rsn]"


    That is awesome, I love those reviews. Mannequin leg :D :rock :worship. Seriously funny shit.

  9. Soooo jealous.


    How do you feel about not being able to mix the drums post recording? Because Im about to start doing that myself to get more live stuff. Im gonna run the drums through 2 stereo tracks, use another 2 for acoustic/voice and then do guitar and bass on 2 other tracks, and finally use a midi controller with reason for the pianos. I just have to buy 2 more pre's. Im worried about not having as much control over the drums though!


    But like I said:




    It's okay for the time being. It takes extra work pre recording but I've always thought that the more I get the sound right before I track the better the finished product. Mostly I use the mixer to adjust the level of each mic for an even sound. The mixer I have has good pre's so I get a warm drum sound, much better than before when I was just going direct with 2 overhead condensors. Eventually I'll get a multi channel I\O so I can mix the drums post recording, recording separate tracks for each drum mic and mixing from there. Alot of that stuff is new, I just got everything put together a few weeks ago after struggling in a smaller room. I'm working a few Sabbath track from the 1st Sab album, WASP-Wall Of Sleep-Bassically. When I get those done I'll post it here so you folks can hear it. I keep flubbing the solo in Wall Of Sleep so I need to nail that in the next few days.


    It's a bear because as you know one thing leads to another. I thought I was done for a while but I can see this project eventually ending with buying a new house to accomodate all my crap .



    um, can i come over & play?


    You bet, I have a hard time finding people, you wouldn't happen to live in CO would you :).

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