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Posts posted by danelectro

  1. I'ts all too much......too many notes...I am not impressed. Tweedy has the best guitar breaks, no need for Nels wanking away on a guitar exercise.


    I'm totally surprised anyone can feel that way about Nel's playing on SBS. IMO he's plays it pretty straight, I was afraid the album would feature the "other" Nel's. If you've ever seen his solo stuff, you know the toy guitar freakout stuff, he can get pretty out there. I think Nel's actually plays closer to the way Jay Bennett would have approached SBS than anyone expected. But you are right on about Jeff's playing, he's really "calmed down" since AGIB. His playing has improved alot in 3 years.

  2. The songs would be better without Nel. He runs the scales too much....Tweedy plays with feeling, Nels plays like a guitar book. Great album...although we need more Kotche less Niles.


    I take it you don't play guitar.

  3. I don't think any other current band comes close to Wilco. The closest comparison I can make as far as quality of music and the perpetual winning streak would be Led Zeppelin. Every Zep album was great start to finish, Wilco shares that feat. Never a bad song, never a stinker album, each album different from the last but consistantly building a legacy.

  4. I hear bits and pieces of every previous Wilco album on SBS. I think the first 3 songs are interchangable with any song on AGIB. The song SBS works on AM or BT. Side With The Seeds mights fits in on AGIB or ST. Shake It Off could have been a BT track. Tracks 7-9 would have been fine on any of the 3, ST-\YHF\AGIB. Walken could have been on anything but YHF. What Light is pretty universal, that song wouldn't have sounded out of place on any Wilco album but it really would work on AM. The last track sounds like ST's spookier cuts but easily could have worked on either YHF or AGIB.

  5. To me there's still something very exciting about physically going out the day a favorite new album comes out and taking it home to really sit down with it, on a stereo


    The fact that I have been playing the crap out of SBS since Sat will not keep me from doing that 5/15.

  6. And Nels could honestly play every note that Bennett ever did, and better.


    I don't think so. Those guys are very different as guitarists and both have different strengths and styles.

  7. I assume ALTWYS is a mainstay considering it's Jeff's big solo guitar spot, it's freakin' cool too so I hope it stays. I'd like to see more AM stuff in the setlist I think it fits in nicely with SBS. The guitar solo from Pick Up The Change is nice and smooth jazzish.

  8. What's IKEA? Oh crap I'll just google it. Can I really be a Wilco fan if I live in a house and drive a Ford? I'm guilty of the Starbucks thing though, I don't drink coffee but I do stop by there for an iced tea in the summer from time to time.


    Thanks for posting that review, I almost forgot The Search was released today. I'll see if they have it on the counter at Starbucks on the way home. I picked up the new Shins album at Whole Foods last weekend so *fingers crossed*.

  9. I have a hunch AGiB is going to be another SummerTeeth (i.e. not aging as well as the others).


    I have a feeling you are mostly alone in that thinking, especially the Summerteeth part.


    I would like to see Wilco eventually go to a setlist that includes a quiet acoustic break in the middle a-la 1975-77 era Zep tours. With each tours setlist being comprised of alternating "classic" Wilco rockers to open and close the show and what ever album is current filling in the rest of the show along with the must hear standards.


    That said I won't be sad if Misunderstood takes a setlist hiatus.

  10. I'm not really in the grower group, the album sounded great to me the first time. It's interesting to read all the different reviews, no doubt this album affects everyone in different ways. For me I was immediately excited by what I heard, it reminded me of all the early 70's albums I love. At times it evoked sounds and memories of the first time I heard albums like Mott The Hoople's Wildlife or Brinsly Schwarz' Silver Pistol. Then after 10 spins I realized the album just sounds like another Wilco album. After 20 spins it really stated to make sense, this album really draws equally from every Wilco period as well as pushing ahead. It's almost like a hidden gems collection, you know if you compiled a few of the sleepers off of each Wilco album.


    Influences abound on this record but there are so many it's hard to pin it down. It may be that the musicianship is so great it's hard not to draw comparisons. When I hear SBS it brings up little snippets of other bands creeping in but usually in combinations. In Hate It Here I hear Bonham styled rolls and fills along with Beatles riffing and Stax style honking, it's Wilco's new ITMWLY. Walken wouldn't have sounded out of place on Zep III yet they play it like Zep would have at the Earls Court shows. Not exactly but I hear those types of things creeping in.


    I'm not sure I understand the complaints of "mellow". It's like people have missed how "mellow" Wilco has been all along. IMO their most upbeat and rowdy album is AM and it doesn't get much respect around here. It's like people have forgotten this band did\does songs like Dash 7-I Thought I Held You- Far, Far Away-Say You Miss Me-The Lonely 1-Someone Else's Song-The majority of Summerteeth-Reservations and all the other mellow YHF tracks and a big chunk of AGIB etc.


    This band has always done "mellow" and the new album is no exception. That's why I find it hard to believe people are talking like SBS is a huge shift in style and presentaion. It's more of the same but better in that it traces all of the bands roots and draws from each previous album.


    Honestly I know what's going to happen. As soon as the tour starts people will start saying they love the live versions and then go back to SBS and fall in love. The same thing happened with AGIB. Those threads were nearly identical to the SBS ones now.

  11. Nel Cline is GOOD, I'm really starting to dig his playing on SBS. Twenty or so spins later I'm still diggin' his guitar work. I was convinced he would be the undoing of Wilco at one point, my fear was with him and Kotche in the band Wilco would be too out there. But he really seems to be a positive pivot for Wilco. When he came on board things changed in a good way. I really hope he sticks around for another album or two. Same with Glenn, his Bonhamesque rolls and heavy handed beats are killer on SBS. I'm just delighted with SBS.

  12. even though it may sound like muzak to some people, I like Leave Me Like You Found Me the best currently - just really beautiful - no one tries to overshadow anyone else on that tune - they play great as a cohesive unit - gorgeous bass line as well



    Me too, that song is great. What Light is amazing as well.

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