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Posts posted by danelectro

  1. I like GC. It helps to make friends with a salesman or manager if you plan on being a repeat customer. I usually get a discount from the guys I know and they treat me with respect, if I walk in they greet me by name. Like any big store they get some jerks working there. The only department that I don't like buying stuff from is drums, I never get a discount there.

  2. Funny you should mention Chris Frame. I recently got the 6-String Belief DVD, and was pretty put off by his playing on a lot of the older stuff.


    Now that I think of it I'm not crazy about that DVD either. I'm not fond of saying "doesn't do justice" but the DVD and the live shows I saw seemed like two different things. It can be that way with performance DVD's, I didn't like Sunken Treasure either.


    But I really didn't have a problem with Chris just that it seemed kind of flat.

  3. I stayed up for it. Wasn't bad, tho it was funny seeing Jay just standing there all stone-faced, with his bandmates rockin' out all 'kewl'...specially the electric guitar play. He had it strung all low and was dancing around...weeee-hah.


    Course I could've just been over-tired and thought it was amusing.


    Jay only stood still when he was singing, during the vocal breaks and towards the end he was actually bopping around. His movements were very Neil Youngish.



    BTW this is up on youtube now. I love the horns and the music but I don't think I can get into the political anti war lyrics this time. I'm sure he's passionate about it and someone has to do it but I don't need to see or hear any more than I get hit with via the media.


    Any reason he chose that Brad Rice doppleganger instead of bringing back Chris Frame?

  4. At least Brian Hennemen sounded raw and loose (NEVER thought I would say that, by the way! If anyone sounds like an ass on the Jay Farrar boards, it's Mr. Neverwonagrammy). I am TOTALLY not a fan of Hennemen


    Really? I never go there anymore. I really don't come here either, I bet I haven't posted 20 times since I participated in the AGIB version of this thread 3 years ago.

  5. for what it's worth, last night, jeff said something to the effect that he was proud of the album/it is his favorite. (exact quote is a bit blurry...still in cloud nine from the whole night. living room show plus album premiere? too much!)


    He said that about AGIB too

  6. Jeff goes way above what he has in the past on a lot of these vocals, how are they timid?


    That's what I was thinking.


    It's really interesting reading some of these reviews. I'm starting to get the impression some people have been mistaking Wilco for an industrial band that didn't play guitar solos. Maybe Jeff will get Ministry to open for the summer tour.

  7. I can't name names, but I'll be damned if I didn't grow up listening to WNUA in my dad's car. I know smooth jazz when I hear it, icons or no. Everyone on this board has been to a department store, everyone has been in restaurants. They know genres, and they know what they do and don't like.


    Then you should know this record is a long way from smooth jazz or muzak.


    It's cool if people don't like it, I really don't care I'm not on a mission. I just don't think it's necessary to label it something it is not. SBS sounds like Wilco not Kenny G, rest assured SBS will never be played on WNUA.

  8. And if I wanted them to make the same album every time, I probably wouldn't be a Wilco fan to begin with (or a Neil Young fan, for that matter).


    That's a really good point.

  9. But that's the thing - so many people (including myself) have never heard The Association, only SBS - and don't like it. We are making it out to be an album we have listened to (like you have), but an album that tends to disappoint (a sentiment you thankfully do not have).


    I could probably swallow that if the majority of the negative reviews didn't have the words "smooth jazz" or make comparisons 70's soft rock icons.

  10. Loud though they may be, it's still Windham Hill voluminously on top of a Reprise record. With 'Sky Blue Sky' in particular, I'd be listening to an awesome song when a superflulous (and loud) 'smooth' guitar solo would be slapped on top like butter. I'll probably grow to like them, but right now it seems like AGIB with a bunch of cholesteral on top. Unnecessary, and waaaayy too smooth.


    I can see how people would think that but I don't think the album is as smooth as others do. It still sounds like Wilco, it's not The Association album people are trying to make it out ot be.

  11. This album sounds exactly like the kind of music I think Wilco should be making. It seems like such a natural progression. I can't believe true fans of theirs don't think that as well. Maybe I'm just too old or something....


    I agree, it's like people forgot that YHF had songs like Jesus, Etc. Kamera and Reservations on it or that AGIB had Hummingbird, Wishful Thinking, Theologians or The Late Greats. Much of SBS is quite a bit heavier than those songs, it's just this time the cacophony is more understated and sly. IMO SBS fits in perfectly with all of their post Being There stuff. I don't think it's as mellow as people are making it out to be either. What's more surly than tossing a few jazzy sounding solos amongst Tweedy's overdriven guitar stabs. I was listening to SBS in my truck today and when those solos come in at loud volume it's pretty jarring.

  12. I've never read so many reviews talking about what an album ISN'T instead of what it is. If you don't like it fine, but don't write crap about how quiet and mellow it is, as if that is some sort of negative against it. Sorry Wilco isn't making the "cool alternative" music you want them to....


    Which is totally ironic because when AGIB leaked the gripe then was it was too noisy. Then a few months later people were falling all over themselves praising it. Honestly the record doesn't need to be a certain style for me to like it, either I like what I hear or I don't. Frankly I'm glad it didn't end up being Wilco's Metal Machine Music. Besides I think people are forgetting where Wilco came from, they are a roots band at heart not freakin' Glenn Branca.

  13. did Glenn lose his bass drum? did he lose all his gadgets? while his work here is totally skillful, it's so uninteresting for Kotche, and so edgeless. sigh. I miss those weird things from Pot Kettle Black.


    I feel completely different about the drumming, I think it's excellent. Honestly some of the other stuff he does is a little gimmicky, in a bad way, IMO. If I wanted to see and hear someone beating on freakin' tiles and trash cans I'd go see Stomp.

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